
Thursday, 8 August 2013

Simple Living Toowoomba morning tea and swap

Our Simple Living Toowoomba monthly morning tea and swap will be held this Saturday, 10th August from 9.30am to 11am. If anyone who lives in the region would like to come along you would be most welcome. You can find more information here.

Kelly will be giving a demonstration on how to make her famous 'take-away alternative' potato scallops before we stop for morning tea.
Anyone who would like to participate in the swap can bring along up to five items to swap. In the past we have had a great variety of swapped items including fruit, fabric, potholders, vegetables, soap and eggs.  

Then on the 24th August, Kelly will be presenting a workshop on Natural Pest Control. “The Principles of Organic Growing”, “Healthy Soil” and “Organic Pest and Disease Control” will be the topics covered in this hands-on workshop.  Participants will be making sprays etc. and an open discussion will be held on each topic. The cost will be $10 and the workshop will run from 9.30am to midday. Bookings are required and, if interested, you can book here. I am really looking forward to this workshop.
So if you are interested in these topics do come along and join us. It is always a great time to share information and ideas. Do you have a similar group in your area?



  1. Chel, How did your group start? I wonder if a group like this could be started around Boonah here. I just worked out it would be nearly a 4 hour round trip drive for me so it might have to be the 24th August one.

  2. Barb, our group started after Rhonda's visit to Toowoomba. Our co-ordinator Margy was there and took a list of people who might be interested in becoming part of a simple living group and then contacted us when she had the first meeting set up and we then tossed around ideas of how the groups should run. We are fortunate in that we have the use of a church kitchen for free which is where we have our demonstrations usually but if we have a workshop such as the rag rug one last year we move into the adjoining hall.

    We give a gold coin donation for the morning tea and swap to cover the cost of the beverages and we all bring something to eat and the workshops cost $10.

    If you were interested in starting up a group in Boonah, you could email Margy on simplelivingtoowoomba@gmail.com. More contact details are on the Simple Living Toowoomba website in the sidebar.

    I am sure you would have no lack of people who would be interested in coming along.

  3. I hope you enjoyed your tea and swap.


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