
Sunday, 13 April 2014

Does YOUR 'To Do' list keep getting longer like mine?

I have a few unfinished projects on the go at the moment and really need to finish them but keep coming across a lot of recipes that I want to try especially as we have a glut of vegetables and fruit that I really need to use up rather than have them go to waste. Unfortunately though, my 'To Do' list is getting a tad too long and I am starting to wonder if I will get any of my UFOs (unfinished projects) actually completed!

Well, those UFOs will have to go on the backburner for a few days as I have tamarillos which need to be made into chutney. I did make some Tamarillo and Mustard Relish a while back ....


....but our old tamarillo tree has died since then. However, a few weeks ago I discovered another one so now we have....

.... more fruit to pick.

I thought I would make  Indian Spiced Tamarillo Chutney this time for a change. Seeing as the tamarillos were picked a couple of days ago this has to be done sooner rather than later. Sigh!

Then yesterday on the Down to Earth Forums one of the members was asking for Sweet Chilli Sauce recipes and ....

....seeing as we have LOTS of chillies waiting to be picked there is another project to add to my
 'To Do' list. 

The last batch of soap I made is now ready for use which means that another batch needs to be made  and I currently have goat's milk in the freezer ready for my first experiment with making goat's milk soap. I have read so many recipes with some adding the lye to the mushy goat's milk and others adding the milk at trace that I am a little confused but will probably end up adding the lye to the milk. Apparently the lye can make the milk heat up and burn so a lot of soap makers seem to freeze the milk beforehand to keep the mixture cooler. I will let you know how it goes if anyone is interested.

So, as you can see, the list just keeps getting longer and longer. Do you have the same problem? 

Perhaps when it is all done then I can just sit down, have a cuppa,  look at the flowers and enjoy their beauty!


  1. In a word YES. However I have given up worrying but just accept the fact that I think I might live to 999 [Methuselah] so there might be some hope of finishing:) Lol, seriously though, I do think it is better to have a project to do than to sit around twiddling thumbs wondering how to fill in the day.
    Your soap looks lovely with those 'stencil' patterns on them.

  2. I agree! My grandparents were afraid to move in off the farm as they had seen some that did it and sat down and died! So the key to living a long life is to never get to the end of your list! Or not! Just don't stress though - that is bad for you!

  3. OMG! It's contagious Nanna Chel. Sweet Chilli Sauce sounds like fun. Without a list we would be so bored though :)

  4. My to do list is forever growing & never seams enough hours in the day to get it all done. I now have list for housework, things to make, places to go etc I will never be board or have nothing to do as life is so full & always another project of something to make or try or the house to clean


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