
Saturday, 18 November 2017

The year comes to an end

Today was the last Simple Living Toowoomba workshop and it finished off the year just perfectly for our group. Since last February we have learned how to recycle/reuse, declutter,  make sourdough, do Sashiko embroidery etc. Each workshop has been interesting as has been the chatter and questions from those attending about how to make soap, the principles of permaculture, the finer tips of making sourdough, how to replace plastic and so on. We have all learned so much from each other even though none of us are experts.

You are probably wondering where I got that beautiful purple lily in the photo above....well all will be explained at the end of this post :-)

Racheal from Birdsong Market Garden started the morning off with showing us how to make seasoned salt which would make great Christmas gifts. Racheal buys Himalaya salt in bulk which you can see in that huge bottle.

This was followed by Margaret who showed us how to wrap gifts, etc. Furoshiki style. There are instructions in that link if you would like to have a go.

Considering Margaret had left her fabric she was going to work with at home and had to use what she always has on hand in the car, she did very well. Sorry for the blurry photos but I had the camera on the wrong setting even though I did actually have my glasses on :-)

This is one way of wrapping a gift for Christmas, birthdays etc.

Then our co-ordinator, Margy, showed us an easy way to make a little box instead of gift wrapping. I was sitting next to Shiralee from A Peaceful Homemaker who thought they were pillow boxes so I had a look for them on Pinterest and there are some really pretty ones on there if you want to check out this link.

I have made a different size of these before and did a post a couple of years ago called 'Stop! Don't throw out those Christmas cards' as I made a box from a card.

Then we shared a Secret Santa gift. Someone made this beautiful crocheted rag rug....

.....as well as some other lovely bits and pieces to go with it. 

I was second last to pick my gift and chose this stunning lily which Margaret brought along so I now have instructions on how to look after it especially during winter. Isn't it the most gorgeous colour?

We finished off with buying some gifts and veggies from our clever ladies, Shiralee who also has an Etsy shop Hilda and Lillian....

....Margaret who made dishcloths, facecloths and crocheted bags and Racheal who brought along some of her produce from Birdsong Market Garden which sold like hot cakes. 

So if you live in our region do come along and join in next year. We have visitors from the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Warwick etc. so perhaps you can bring along a couple of friends and make a day of it in our beautiful city. 

Planning for next year's workshops is already under way and we will be learning about herbs in the first one which will be in February. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. Nanna Chel,
    It was a really nice day out and good to catch up with everyone. love that lily colour too.

  2. Looks like I missed a fabulous Simple Living morning, Chel! Looking forward to attending the workshops next year. How amazing is that lily??

    1. It was good, Diann. Hope you can make it to a few workshops in 2018.

  3. wonderful workshops there & wished i lived closer
    gorgeous lily!
    thanx for sharing

    1. Selina, I have never seen a lily that colour before It is just gorgeous.

  4. What a fantastic year with wonderful workshops. Very talented people and creative.
    Your lily is gorgeous too.

    1. Kylie, we do seem to have a lot of creative people in our group who are happy to share with others.

  5. I love to read about your workshops. Maybe you can do a workshop next year about soap making? You make beautiful soaps.
    The color of that lily is amazing.

    1. Nil, we have had a couple of soap making workshops already. We are always on the lookout for something new to learn. Finding presenters is a challenge though.

  6. What an amazing coloured Lily - beautiful. Hopefully I'll be home next year when some of the workshops are being run. Cheers Lyndie

  7. I love the concept of your simple living group Chel and would love to help set one up here in SA, let's see what a few of us can come up with in 2019. I have a very deep purple Arum lily just like yours that pops up in late winter and disappears completely before the hot dry weather.

  8. Looks like it finished for the year on a good note. I look forward to reading about the 2018 workshops.

  9. I really enjoyed some of the ideas from the classes you attend. The gift wapping really appeals to me! Also the sight of the goods for sale, all beautiful.
    I wonder what we will be leaning next year!? I feel quite happy to see how may old crafts are popular again, how much people now want to recycle, re use, save money, grow their own, make food without chemicals etc. This is all good!
    This week I gave some more starter to a friend in Adelaide. I have posted this out so many times also this year. But now we have another new sour dough baker!
    Sally above... I also hope something could get going in SA! I would be there! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. Your lily looks much darker than my one, we will have to keep in touch if you find out any tricks to make them happy in the garden.


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