
Monday, 11 December 2017

Finished at last!

A couple of months ago I finished sewing a rag quilt for my almost five month old grandson but I procrastinated about doing the washing and drying part to completely finish off it so made sure I got that done today as I am sending up a box of goodies up on the bus to my grandchildren in the Outback this week. They won't be visiting for Christmas so it will be a quiet one here.

You wouldn't believe the trouble I had trying to take a decent photo of this quilt for some reason. I tried hanging it on the clothesline like so many quilters do but the sun was in the wrong place. Then there were the weeds and the CEO's bits and pieces in the background so I gave up with that idea.

So I will just have to make do with the photos I have. LOL!

I wanted to use up the flannelette I had left over from other projects so did that even though I could have had a better backing with a couple more colours. I am no quilter so can never get everything to match up on the back. That's why I like the raggy look on the front as it covers up all my mistakes...more or less.

I actually bought this fabrics a few years ago to make a quilt for my almost three year old grandson but his mum had just made curtains for his room in different colours....

...so I used the same fabric.

These were the ones I made for the girls several years ago. So now they all have one of their own.

If you are intending to sew one of these quilts the Rag Quilt Snips are just so helpful as it is hard work cutting all those seams and your hands do get tired.

Hopefully this little fellow will like his new rag quilt. It is a very light one which might come in handy when he is having a snooze as the evaporative coolers can make it a bit cool inside at times. It is 40C to 42C where he lives at the moment so I daresay everyone will be staying indoors during the hottest part of the day.

There were some really dangerous storms around during the weekend and I hope everyone coped with it alright. I was pleased to read Rhonda's blog post today as I had been worried about her and Hanno as the storm hit her little township. However, even though they did sustain some damage around the yard,  the house is okay and nobody was hurt so that was good news. I believe there is snow falling in the Northern Hemisphere in places that rarely see snow so it seems that the weather is a little crazy at the moment. I hope everything is okay where you live.


  1. Such a cute quilt, and those raggy ones are the cuddliest for littlies (and biggies too). :-)

  2. Well done Chel, I am sure the little man will have fun looking at all the cute pictures when he is old enough to explore such things.

  3. I am sure your little fella will love his quilt, you have done a fantastic job Nanna Chel.

    We are sweating our pants off here at the moment. 40C tomorrow, 42C Wednesday. Typical for the lead up to Christmas, we get a heatwave when we have lots of stuff to do lol! Glad to hear Rhonda rode out the storm okay :)


  4. You did a beautiful job on your quilt and I'm sure the little fellow will love it. I agree that the hardest part about making a rag quilt is cutting all the seams, I'm going to check out the snips you recommended. Thanks for the tip!

  5. beautiful quilt & am sure he will love it!
    we had some mild storms here, not our usual thankfully. glad everyone else came through okay. we had rains here today again too.
    thanx for sharing

  6. What a beautiful happy little boy! I love rag quilts & have wanted to make some for years but haven't had the motivation, I have 7 grandchildren so by the time I get around to making quilts for them they'll probably have their own grandchildren! Have a great day!

  7. It's a beautiful quilt Chel. I don't see any mistakes. I'm sure the adorable little fellow will like it.

  8. Chel that is just adorable. And so much work! But well worth it in the end. I love it. Mimi xxx

  9. I love all of your beautiful raggy quilts Chel. Very clever!

  10. All quilts are lovely quilts, in my opinion, because it takes a lot of work to make one! Imperfect comes with the territory, and just adds to their individuality. I'm sure they will be loved, knowing grandma made them. I see a lot of hours sewing, and you should feel very proud. It takes a while to put them together. :)

  11. Hi Nannachel, you have done a lovely job I am sure they will be thrilled to have something that you have made. I do enjoy reading your Blog and don't comment so today I have :) Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  12. Just beautiful Nanna Chel. An heirloom for the future. I know your daughter will love and appreciate it! xxx

  13. I love it Chel. That is one lucky little boy.

  14. I do like the quilt, I would like to do one of those, but will not let myself start another project before I finish a few!! Sigh...

  15. Your quilt is lovely Chel. The little guy will love it. There is lots of love in every stitch! See you in 2018 (I hope). Lol!


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