
Friday, 1 December 2017

It's Market Time

At this time of year there seem to be markets popping up everywhere. Yesterday Hand Made Under the Stars  was held at the Cobb and Co Museum and as usual it featured a vast array of crafts which would make great Christmas gifts. Yesterday was also the start of the Bush Christmas Exhibition which finishes on the 9th December.

I paid a flying visit to both events just to have a look-see as I wasn't planning on buying anything. The Bush Exhibition showcases the craftwork of rural and remote artisans and everything that is on sale is top quality. 

As you walk in the doors there are always tin animals there to greet you and I just love them. I couldn't get any decent photos but there were also magpies, roosters, pigs etc. for sale. 

Once inside one is spoiled for choice. There are beautifully made leather products including these gum leaf book marks I bought for my granddaughters....

...as well as purses, jewellery, hair clips and you name it.... it was probably there in that section.

These were intriguing and looked like they were made from book pages.

Once again Gabriele Case from Zoe Design had her beautiful doily tote bags for sale as well as her unique jewellery.

Then there were lovely cushions....

...and I especially loved the little girls on this one.

...and every jam known to man. 

If you live anywhere near Toowoomba this is really worth the trip up the Range but I wouldn't leave it too late to visit the exhibition in case they sell out.

Although I hadn't intended to buy anything at either of the markets I did spy this Soap Saver Suds Maker on my way in at the RADHA stall. I remembered the discussion some of us had had a few years ago on the Down to Earth Forum about these suds makers as many of us had used them when we were growing up and were finding it hard to locate anyone who made them in Australia at the time. Many of us had grown up using them when it was time to wash the dishes.  So I ended up buying one.

It came complete with handmade soap. I found out a while ago that they are now available from Odgers and McClelland but I never did get around to ordering one from there and unless I am mistaken, RADHA may be the suppliers as they look very similar.

So I think that will do for visiting craft markets for the year. Stall owners go to so much trouble to make their crafts and I don't think they ever get paid for the amount of time it takes to make something. However, it is so nice to see handmade products instead of the mass produced ones in the shops.

Don't forget to enter in the Christmas Giveaway before midnight on Sunday. This is only open to those living in Australia unfortunately due to the cost of postage. I can't wait to see who the winner will be. Do come back and visit on Monday if you have entered.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe if you live in Victoria and Southern New South Wales as it sounds like you are in for some bad weather.


  1. Hi Chel,
    I bought my soap shaker from Odgers and have used it regularly. I have found that commercial soap doesn't do as good a job as home made soap. You guys have the best exhibitions in Toowoomba. I am quite envious.

    1. I wonder if yours is the same one, Jane. I will have to make some soap for when the original one runs out.

  2. Beautiful crafts. I remember seeing a soap saver on Rhonda's blog, but I've never used one.
    Have a great weekend Chel.

    1. They aren't that easy to find these days, Nil.

  3. Chel I just love Linda's cushions. She has been making them for years and always does a great job. Have this on my 'to do' list - perhaps next years will be the year.


    1. Lynette, I didn't see the tags on the cushions so had no idea who made them but they are absolutely gorgeous.

  4. Everything happens in Toowoomba. We have a final craft market for the year tomorrow so hoping I have time to go. The ones just before Christmas are the best.

    1. We are a bit spoiled for choice here, Kylie. There are too many markets on before Christmas to go to them all I find.

  5. am on the look out for one of the soap savers too, might have a look at odgers too.
    thanx for sharing

  6. Such lovely handmade items there! I'm like you Chel...really not interested in the mass produced any more. Thank you so much for the links in this post so we can follow up on items. Love those soap savers and remember them so well from my childhood.

  7. I love going to pre-Christmas craft markets and always admire the skills of artisan craftspeople. Those jam makers are very professional with their beautiful jars and labels, a bit different to my home printed labels LOL. I can also remember the Soap saver suds makers on the old wash tubs at home. Amazing that you can still buy them. Pauline.

  8. We have a lot of Maker's Markets happening too, at the moment,there's a lot of very talented artists and craftspeople across the Valley. I've been to quite a few, but feel bad just looking and not buying, as you say, they put so much time and trouble into making beautiful items, but are not really compensated. I hate over-hearing people saying how dreadfully expensive some of the items are, they obviously have no idea. I love the doily bags and the patchwork cushions, so pretty. I'm glad you bought yourself something, a soap sudser is a great gift to yourself.


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