
Sunday, 21 January 2018

A very sunny Queens Park

Last week I visited our beautiful Queens Park to practise taking some photos with my camera which I don't use as much as I should and I was pleasantly surprised to find a huge display of the most colourful sunflowers which I had never seen before in this park. Mind you, since my children have grown up I rarely visit apart from during the Carnival of Flowers which incidentally is being held from the 21-30 September 2018.  I know there are lots of grey nomads who are visiting our region at that time so you might like to slot those dates into your yearly planner.

During the Carnival the gardens that surround the memorial are planted with multi coloured flowers....

...like in the above photo taken during the 2016 Carnival of Flowers.

So it was a bit of a shock to see the same gardens filled with the most beautiful sunflowers....

...and I was thinking of all those sunflower seeds I could use in my sourdough loaves :-)

I have often wondered what the gardens were planted out with at other times of the year and there was quite a variety although some are empty at the moment.

Not a good photo but the portulacas were so very colourful...

 ...and I loved the contrast of colours in this garden.

 I had an unsuccessful attempt at taking a photo of one of the huge trees in the park that have been there for ages. More practice is needed though. Oops!

 I know some of my readers who live in South East Queensland often drive up to Toowoomba to get out of the city so you might like to take a look at these sunflowers while they are looking so beautiful.

 There are also paddocks of sunflowers to be viewed between here and Warwick if you would like to drive a little further along the highway....

...and you can see some of the huge flowers that some farmers have at the moment Summertime sunflowers. Apparently some people are taking selfies with the flowers which apparently is okay with certain farmers as long as no damage is done to their crop as it is a cash crop after all.

We do live in a beautiful part of Queensland and I must have passed these rows and rows of sunflowers hundreds of times when I would drive back and forth to visit my parents over many years and they would never failed to impress.

I hope all my Aussie readers are coping with the really hot temps at the moment and that those in the Northern Hemisphere are finding ways to keep warm in the freezing weather. Now if we could just share a little heat and a little coolness we would all be happy wouldn't we? LOL!

Have a blessed week everyone!


  1. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos, Chel.

    1. Hope they cheered you up in all that cold weather, Nil :-)

  2. We drove past a few sides of Queens Park on our quick trip to Toowoomba on Saturday but I didn't see those great sunflowers. Hopefully we can have a longer stay in Toowoomba when DsD1 comes from Wandoan to there to have her baby in early March.

    1. Maria I didn't even see them until I got closer to the memorial. The gardens always look beautiful in our parks.

  3. Sunflowers are among my favourites, I love how their bright happy yellows and golds! I didn't plant any this year though, not sure why, so lovely to see your photos of them. I remember passing paddocks of sunflowers when I drove out to Dalby once. All the yellow flowers against the clear blue sky was just so gorgeous, I stopped the car to get out and look! Meg:)

    1. Meg, for some reason I always thought they turned to face the sun but I don't think that is right. Yes there are so many paddocks full of sunflowers on the Darling Downs. Quite stunning!

  4. I have put the date for the Carnival of Flowers in the calendar. Just the two of us will be able to have a day together during this festival. Fingers crossed.


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