
Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Summer, Winter, Summer, Winter!

What extraordinary weather we had last week! On Wednesday it was 35C and then the temperature plummeted to 15C on Friday and we were back to winter weather. Apparently it was the coldest February day for many years. I was glad I hadn't packed away my winter jumpers and track pants as they were certainly needed as was the rain that arrived with the cooler weather.

I wasn't complaining though as I prefer the cooler weather to the heat of summer now that I am getting older. What is it about becoming a senior citizen that makes one more intolerant of heat? I now know why there are so many warnings about looking after the very young and the elderly when a heatwave is forecast...not that I am elderly. Ha ha!  I am sure everyone would agree that it is so much easier to sleep when it is cooler although it might be a different matter if you live in snow country. 

 After the rain finished I noticed that there were a lot of chillies waiting to be used so I took advantage of the cooler weather to put them in the dehydrator to make chilli flakes. I bought a cheapish dehydrator from ALDI a few months ago and it seems to be working okay. As I have mentioned before we have quite a few different types of chillies growing and I didn't want to waste them so into the dehydrator they went. 


I bought some SAXA Chilli Salt Blend a while ago as the menfolk like spicy food so I thought I would make some with our own chillies. On the bottle it says 50% chillies and 50% sea salt so that's easy enough to put together although....

 ...I think the salt is going to be really, really hot as some of our chillies are extra, extra hot plus I didn't remove the seeds when dehydrating them. I have no idea if you are supposed to. They will go into a grinder before use so hopefully they will be okay.

 I have been trying to get our dying computer to recognise the camera when I attach it to get the photos off and finally it worked tonight. I thought some of my overseas readers might like to see some of the birds we have in Australia. The above photo was taken in November last year....


...and this one was taken in January so I am presuming it is a baby of the adult bird. Does anyone know what these birds are? Even the CEO who is a bird expert doesn't know what they are. Any clues?

Of course this is our colourful Rainbow Lorikeet which has been eating the grapes growing along the fence.

I am not 100% sure but I think this is what we call the 'storm bird' (Eastern Koel) as it makes its appearance during storm season and usually arrives around October after spending the winter in New Guinea and Indonesia.  They hide in trees and it is very difficult to get a photo. They have a distinctive call which you can hear here and I know someone who has a storm bird that sits outside her window and drives her to distraction. LOL! It is a very repetitive call. 

I hope you are all well and coping with the extremes of weather which seem to be commonplace around the world these days. It is heading back to the mid thirties on the weekend so I might head off to the aircon in the cinema if I can find any movies showing that are worth going to but I won't hold my breath.  

Have a great week everyone!


  1. What a great idea infusing salt. We buy chilli herbamare, but never thought of doing it myself.

    1. I am keen to taste ours. I just hope it isn't too hot.

  2. We're having crazy weather here in the states as well.VERY cold and then temps rise to make you think spring has arrived. It's no wonder we are all sick around here! Love that Lorikeet, such beautiful colors. I have several cardinals suddenly showing up at our feeders. There was only one lone pair before. They're my favorite because their color POPS in the snow. Good that you enjoy the cooler weather. I myself like the hot summers. :)

    1. Monica I think I would enjoy the hot summers if I lived in snow country. We are fortunate here in Australia as our winter days are usually sunny especially if we have a frost in the morning. I spend most of winter in the sun in the garden.

  3. Wasn't the cold weather lovely, Chel! I loved rugging up in my trackies & socks, snuggling under the doona I had to bring out of its usual Summer hibernation and sipping hot chocolates. Not looking forward to the heat forecast for over the weekend now though ... topsy turvy weather indeed! Meg:)

    1. Meg, I think it will be 34/35C here on the weekend. Too hot for Toowoomba! It might be muggy too as I think showers are forecast.

  4. Chel, my mom never removes seeds before making chili powder or flakes. Though, removing seeds might make it less hot. :)

    1. Nil, it would be a lot of work to take the seeds out so I will just have to put up with the hot salt. At least the men should like it :-)

  5. Chel I am not looking forward to the return of the heat and humidity at all. I usually love summer but this one has taken its toll. I loved being in the garden and getting some of the beds ready for planting out over the mild winter. Summer is just too hot for growing a vege garden. I also got down to the beach a bit more. Even early in the morning the sand has been scorching hot on the feet.
    I never take the seeds out of my chillies for dehydrating. I usually have a mix of hot and milder chillies in the batch. Our last batch of mango chilli chutney is pretty hot. I only used 50% of the recipe amount. I like the idea if chilli salt. Thank you for that one as it is going to be added to the pantry.

    1. Jane I have found this summer to be very tiring for some reason. Mind you the weekend of cold weather reminded me of how cold our house is in winter but as long as the sun is shining I can warm up outside in the garden. The humidity where you live must be overwhelming at times but you would get the afternoon sea breeze eventually I imagine.

  6. I was thinking the exact same thing this morning Chel. Two sets of pyjamas are in my bedside cupboard, for hot or for cool. All season clothes are in rotation too. A few days of cool last week made it possible to get stuck into gardening, but now the heat makes it impossible to be outside after 9am. Roll on Autumn I say. Lovely bird photos and the chili salt sounds great.

    1. Sally I tasted the chilli salt at lunch time and it is very hot! I meant to separate the Bishop Cap chillies from the Birds Eyes and the other really hot ones but was too lazy. Serves me right. LOL!

  7. Hi Chel, The cooler weather was certainly welcomed and one night I even had to put a rug on my bed. Unfortunately it hasn't lasted down here on the coast. The rain was equally welcome, with our tank now full again and the grass green - although it does mean I have to mow it more frequently now - oh well, I'd rather that than brown lawn. Cheers Lyndie

    1. Lyndie, we had three blankets and one rug on our bed :-) With the weather arriving on Saturday not even a sheet will be needed. I am dreading the coming heat.

  8. Hi Chel, you can freeze chillies too. No prep necessary, no blanching or cutting, just wash them and straight into a plastic bag in the freezer. I'm saving mine for chilli jam.

    I think that bird is one of the wood swallows, possibly the black face wood swallow. Thanks for your email. Will reply tomorrow. xx

    1. Thanks for that info, Rhonda. I will check out the bird on Backyard Birds.

  9. Nanna Chel,
    I have one of those dehydrators from Aldi too, you'll have to tell me how yours went. And the storm bird call is very distinct its call sound to me like it says: More rain. More rain. Which can get annoying, lol.


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