
Friday, 26 October 2018

It's all happening

Life around here is a little hectic at the moment as the builders have arrived and have put us out of our usual routine. Add to that the fact that I don't like change.... I will just leave it to your imagination how I feel at present. A friend down the road who had renovations done a couple of years ago remarked how invasive it was and I must agree although the young men who are doing the work couldn't be more friendly and helpful and the work they have already done is impressive.

As a result of the noise of banging, electrical saws whirring and so on I have had to make several trips to the garden to find something beautiful to look at and to calm down as there is not a lot of tranquility going on inside the house. LOL!

The cactus orchids are in bloom and look spectacular at this time of the year. Considering they seem to thrive on neglect they really are an amazing plant to have in the garden. The CEO has lots of them growing in pots and we have red/mauve, white and orange flowers....


...as well as this one which I thought was what we used to call 'cherise' but after asking Mr.Google to clarify the colour of 'cherise' it seems that the spelling is ' cerise' and the colour seems to vary depending on what website one looks at. Perhaps there are some other oldies out there who used to spell the word as 'cherise' or am I just forgetting?

 My herb garden has had to be removed to make way for the tradies to work so my rosemary plant is now on the back of the old ute but I do have several cuttings that it can be replaced with when the work is finished.

My herb garden used to be where the wheelbarrow  in the above photo is sitting so you can see that it would have been in the way. The builders have put in new stairs out the back and a slab has been poured leading up to them. We have never had 'proper' stairs and these look very sturdy. The stairs out the front will also be replaced as the bottom couple have rotted at the sides. I have covered that area with pot plants so nobody walks there and hurts themself.  

The kitchen renos start sometime next week so I have been packing everything up after procrastinating for ages.  The work will take at least a week and then the bathroom will be tackled. That will also take at least a week so we are in for some interesting times I think.

Our second last Simple Living Toowoomba workshop is on tomorrow and the presenter is from The Source and will be giving us tips on plastic free living followed by Margy giving us more tips on decluttering. So it should be a great and informative morning as usual.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. The cactus flower orchids are gorgeous, Chel. I will have to keep my eye out for one of them to grow! I imagine everything is very topsy turvy with the builders there but at least you can go out into the garden for some peace. MegXx

    1. Meg, I have no idea where my husband got the cactus plants from but we have heaps of them. They look quite stunning.

  2. Beautiful flowers Chel. It's good to have a nice garden to escape from all the renovation noise. 😊

    The workshop topics sound very interesting. I hope you will do a post about what you learn. Have a great weekend.

    1. Nil, it was a great workshop as usual. We always have new people at our workshops and everyone is very friendly.

  3. The cactus flowers are stunning Chel! I do remember what it's like having renovations done and you have my sympathy. xx

    1. Thanks Maria. We have had some respite over the weekend. Once the builders come inside to work I will just go out somewhere all day :-)

  4. I would be a bit upset if I lost my herb garden Chel but they grown pretty quickly when replanted. I don't have one of those cactus orchids, I'll have to look out for them. Your home should be beautiful after all of the renos. Hang in there. Pauline

  5. It's good you have some good strategies to help you hang on to your sanity Chel. Your zygos are beautiful lovely colours.


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