
Monday, 31 December 2018

Being slack!

While a lot of bloggers seems to be very organised and prepared for the New Year I have been slack once again and am dragging the chain. Funnily enough I just had a look at my post this time last year Onward and Upward into 2018 and I was the same then so obviously turning 70 hasn't improved my organisational skills. LOL! Mind you, my excuse this year for being unprepared for the New Year is that I have read four books this past week. Oops!

I was surprised to read that I had mentioned we needed some major renovations to be done and that some arm twisting would be required to achieve that. Well, as it turned out I didn't have to do hardly any arm twisting at all :-)


 The biggest renos of the kitchen and bathroom are finished and sometime in the far distant future, when our nerves have returned to normal, the  laundry will be worked on to make it efficient, painting of walls will be done and floor coverings at the back of the house will be laid. The sooner the better for the floorcoverings as they needed to be done years ago.

 Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and I hope it brings you all much joy and good health. I have an old friend who is going into 2019 facing some very unpleasant health challenges already so I would appreciate your prayers for her as she has more tests soon now that the surgery is over. We were hoping for a good report after surgery but surprisingly it wasn't to be. I am sure she will recover eventually but walking into the unknown is always a challenge. I have friends who have been through the same situation before and I am sure they will be a big comfort to her.


I grew my first hollyhocks this year which I was quite chuffed about and the friend who gave me the seeds has since sent me some pale pink and pink ones to plant as well. I am getting a bit late with planting them I think as I read last year somewhere that they should go in around December but with the tradies here tramping all over the garden I was a tad hesitant to do that until they had taken their steel capped boots elsewhere :-)

Have a Happy New Year everyone and I will refrain from complaining about how much the fireworks let off tonight have cost.Nearly 6 million dollars in Sydney alone. Really!!!


  1. Happy New Year Chel!

    It has been donkey years since I grew hollyhocks but I have been thinking about them a lot in the last 12 months so it might be time to grow some again. Your hollyhock looks lovely in that photo.

  2. They are beautiful flowers, Sherri. I have never grown them before.

  3. Happy New Year to you, Chel. We had friends over last night for a simple dinner, lots of laughter and fun. I fell asleep about an hour before midnight, which I felt was a heroic effort after broken sleep the night before (my son had a nose bleed in the early hours the night before) but I was woken up in time for the countdown and sparkler waving. Today has dawned as most others do, a hungry old Labrador friend after his breakfast! May 2019 have many blessings in store for you. MegXx

    1. Meg, I remember when I was a teen we used to have a dance to bring in the new year. Dances were the norm in those days in country towns. We had a lot of fun back then. No alcohol and no drugs but we still enjoyed ourselves regardless.

  4. Ah there is no organization happening here for the new year either Chel!

    Aside from packing to move that is.

    I am not one for new years resolutions as such, but I do tend to reflect.


    1. I don't make new year resolutions either, Emma. What a year you have ahead of you! All the best for the big move.

  5. Happy New Year Chel!

    I'm sending lots of positive energy and good luck to your friend.


    1. Thanks Nil, I do hope she doesn't have to undergo chemo but I guess she will unfortunately.

  6. Not as organised as I would like to be either, but that is nothing unusual lol!

    So sorry to hear about your friend, sending best wishes from across the miles, I hope all goes well for her. I will remember her in my prayers.

    Holly hocks are gorgeous flowers, my mum's grew so well and they weren't healthy looking seedlings when I gave them to her. She does have green fingers though. Yours are just lovely too.

    Happy New Year Nanna Chel!


  7. I will get organised eventually, Tania. LOL! It just takes some time. Yes the Hollyhocks are quite stunning. I haven't grown them before so was quite chuffed to see them getting higher every day.

  8. I grew up with hollyhocks - then haven’t seen them since until the last year or two - are they back in fashion?
    Mum had lots of different colours but she said they self-seeded so she never knew what she’d get the following year..... as well as red and pink she definitely had yellow and white too I think. Enjoy

  9. Lesley, only three of my plants came up but the number of seeds they produced is incredible and I am sure many of them have fallen to the ground so it will be interesting to see if they come up next year. A friend gave me the seeds so I have no idea if they are becoming more popular now. They are certainly beautiful.

  10. I wonder if you'll get to those laundry renovations in 2019? The kitchen ones look amazing. I love green. I've got a few small DIY projects for the house. A lick of paint, a bit of molding and perhaps a kickboard - a shelf or too? Hmmm, doesn't sound small at all!

    Happy new year, to you and yours Chel. :)


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