
Saturday, 23 December 2017

Have a wonderful Christmas

It is not long till Christmas Day now and I imagine there are quite a few excited little children around the country at the moment. There will be no pitter patter of little feet in this household but my daughter and her family aren't into the materialism of Christmas thankfully so even if they were here there would be no expectations of having the 'perfect Christmas' whatever that may be.

Things are kept fairly simple around here....even the food. We go to my sister's for Christmas lunch and she can't eat anything spicy so there will be no Curtis Stone meals served up here :-) Just plain old chicken, ham and salad. 

She will expect a pavlova for dessert although I haven't made the Easy Two Egg Pavlova that I normally make which is so very easy if anyone wants to try it. Not exactly sugar free though. LOL!
I will do something with the mangoes and cherries I bought at the farmers' market this morning and we will have a few other bits and pieces. The mangoes have been so cheap here lately that I have made lots and lots of mango ice cream.

 I am well aware that many people in war torn countries have had their cities blown to pieces and are homeless and starving so I think all of us need to really appreciate what we have as it is more than enough. Also if we are in a position to help by donating to charities who are working with those who live in those areas that would be wonderful. Our city is home to many refugees and you might be interested in the article in our local newspaper about some of those who have settled in here Toowoomba is Heaven: Refugee Family Escape Certain Death. 

 I hope and pray that we all have joy in our hearts at this time. It can be a very stressful time for some families unfortunately....

...and we all need hope for the future that whatever challenges we are faced with can be overcome. It has been a very difficult year for so many people for some reason and hopefully 2018 will be less demanding and we can all take a breather and recharge our batteries. 

Wishing all my readers a peace-filled and joyful Christmas. 


  1. Merry Christmas to you & your family, Nanna Chel, I hope you have a lovely relaxing day.🎄🎁🎅

  2. I hope you and your family also have a Merry Christmas, Karen.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family Chel.



  4. Nil, I guess you will be missing your family so far away but I hope you have some friends to share with Christmas with and have a wonderful day.

  5. Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for your blog, I read it every week but don’t usually comment!

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Hilogene. Have a peacefilled Christmas.

  6. It's going to be a really hot Christmas down here, Chel. 33C I think they've forecast so we are going to be having chicken, ham and salad too. Delicious! I hope you have a really lovely Christmas day. Meg:)

    1. Meg, I couldn't bear the thought of putting the oven on as we have a very hot house. Cold meat and salad works for us. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

  7. A beautiful and thoughtful Christmas message from you today Chel. We are also not into the materialism of the season, and with family spread far and wide it's a low key couple of days for us. Thoughts are with all of those unfortunate folks in war affected countries and for those living in poverty. Our Christmas donation, in lieu of buying gifts for each other, will make a small difference to someone far away. Inviting homeless, or lonely, or newly arrived refugees to our home for Christmas lunch is the way we like to share the day. And a 'Nanna nap" in the afternoon is mandatory! Wishing you and the CEO a wonderfully happy and safe Christmas day. XX

    1. All the best to you and your family too, Sally. I hope Christmas dsy isn't too hot for you as you will still have to look after your animals. Our guinea pigs aren't happy in this heat and I think they want to leave home :-)

  8. Nanna Chel,
    I hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas. Hopefully you managed to stay some what cool.

    1. It was hot and muggy, Shiralee. Thankfully it has cooled down now though.

  9. Merry Christmas my distant friend! Wishing you a wonderful and Happy New Year. Lovely post, lovely message.

    1. Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day, Kathy.

  10. Nasty storms up your way Chel, hope you're ok? And a belated Merry Christmas :)

    1. Nanette, we had a few wild storms today but no hail at our place. Oakey had hail the size of cricket balls apparently. It seems to have quietened down now so I hope that's the last of the Boxing Day storms.

  11. Glad you're ok, I've seen some photos on Higgins of really bad damage. We had a so-called supercell come through here, but the mountain divides the storms up so the villages get the brunt and we only had the heavy rain and lightning coming from all directions....which was scary enough. All quiet here too now.

  12. I finally made it! I've been wanting to reply, since Christmas day. My ISP decided it wouldn't deliver service. Fun times! I know some places in Toowoomba were effected as well. So, I'm relieved today, to be able to FINALLY extend the Christmas wishes, albeit, belatedly. Have a safe and happy new year too.

    1. I hope you had a great Christmas, Chris. No internet problems here thankfully but I did think we might lose power yesterday during those storms as they were getting a bit wild but no hail here thankfully. Hope all was well at your place.

    2. No dramas in the storm department. It skipped around us. It always seems to do that. But we did get some welcome rain. :)

  13. A rather belated Merry Christmas to you Chel; hope it was restful and enjoyable. I so agree with your comments in this post; we really have it good here but many people don't realise it. And I especially cringe when I see the mountain of toys and gadgets that so many children receive now. Half the time they don't know who actually gave which gift/s as they received so many. Your daughter is to be commended for her stance on materialism.

  14. Well Christmas has been and gone and I have only just read your nice Christmas message. I hope your Christmas was meaningful and relaxed. Ours was. I like the look of your Mango icecream recipe Chel. Hopefully there will still be mangoes around when we get home soon so I will give it a go. Happy New Year to you. Pauline.


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