
Sunday, 31 December 2017

Onward and upward into 2018!

Well it is the end of another year! I really haven't given a lot of thought to making plans for 2018 as that is quite daunting to be honest. Some major repairs need to be done to our house and there will be some major arm twisting to get that done I think. Until I get that organised I will concentrate on the 'little things' in life that bring joy and don't cost any money or arm twisting at all.

This year I want to learn how to look after the five remaining roses out of the six a neighbour gave us a few months back. The Queen Elizabeth has flowered but has black spot so I have been putting bananas in the pot as suggested by one of my readers and a couple of the others have flowered as well....

...including the beautiful Esmeralda.  Only two have the tags still on them so they are the only two I can identify. In the first photo at either side of the white gardenia and above the Esmeralda are two light pink roses from another bush. Does anyone have any idea what they might be? This rose bush is really, really thorny unlike the others we have inherited so I am really careful when I am near it.

I also want to keep experimenting with soap recipes and have some rose infused goats milk now in the freezer ....

...as well as lavender infused goats milk. The instructions are in Jan Berry's book Simple and Natural Soapmaking. I shouted myself some new fragrance oils from Gavin at Little Green Workshops and a couple of them are rose scented so I now I just have to get the 'right' shade with my pink clays and hopefully will end up with a nice soap.

Meanwhile I have experimented with making my version of Aloe and Cucumber Soap from Jan's book and these are the two best looking soaps out of the lot. I did restrain myself this time from taking the soap out of the mould for a couple of days but in the end put it in the freezer for a while to make it easier. I am not made keen on the olive green clay which looks a bit darker in the photo than it actually is and will probably fade eventually as well so I might look for a nicer green for future soaps. Some of the soaps also have red spots on them which I presume is from the clay even though I mixed it thoroughly before adding to the batter. Must have the measles ;-) I will do a post about the soap next week for anyone who might be interested. 

2017 has been a difficult year and I mentioned this fact to a young mum of five or so at church this morning. She had major surgery recently and then was diagnosed with cancer on top of that. She said that she didn't like to think of it as a terrible year but rather one full of challenges to work though. Then one of our pastors, who is also young, spoke about having hope in the New Year and how important that was in one's life quoting writers who had been prisoners of war who noticed that those who had no hope were often the ones who died first. 

I found the morning quite uplifting and have decided it was a good way to start off a New Year. I don't think I will be seeing it in though as I am not a fan of fireworks as all I can think of is all that money going up in smoke and how it could be used to house a few of our homeless. I am a bit of a party pooper where fireworks are concerned. Ha ha! 

However, if fireworks are your thing then I hope you do enjoy them and also hope that 2018 is a year of peace and joy for you and your family in spite of the challenges that undoubtedly will present themselves. 


  1. Good luck with your roses. Roses love dry heat, so I don't know how your climate will go with that. If you go to Adelaide you will be amazed at all the beautiful rose gardens in people's front yards....all due to dry heat and goo clay soil.

    2018 will be challenging here too, I have been told I need to have my eyes operated on so my macular's do not get worse. Can no longer read out of one eye - a bit scary. I am thankful for new technology these days. Once apon a time I just would have gone blind I suppose.

    Hope is important. I agree.

    All the very best to you Nanna Chel and for all your encouragement over the recent years.


  2. Phil we have the Queensland State Rose Garden here https://www.qldstaterosegarden.com/ so roses do grow quite well. I guess it depends on how much one knows about looking after them though. LOL! All the best with your eye op. My sister has had a couple this year and had a great specialist.

  3. Your roses are beautiful.
    I don't have any New Year resolutions per se, but I'll be getting some work done o my house as well.
    I wish you and your family a prosperous 2018 Chel.

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Nil. I don't really make resolutions any more as they are too hard to keep.

  4. Lovely roses and soap in those photos Chel. Happy New year and all the best for 2018 💖🎉

    1. Maria, all the best to you too. I hope 2018 is kind to you and your family.

  5. Such beautiful roses, Chel. I bet they smell divine! I think having something to look forward to in life is really important. Not "big things" necessarily but those small, often ordinary but warming things. A comfy bed at the end of the day, a visit with an old friend, picking a rose for the table when it's open, a game of cards or a game of backyard cricket, a family movie etc. I hope you are looking forward to this new year to come. Happy times to you! Meg:)

    1. Yes Meg, the simple things in life become more important especially as we get older. Happy New Year to you.

  6. Happy New Year to you and I'm the same with the fireworks. I love them just like the next person but when they quote how much they cost in the millions I think it's crazy when there are homeless people to care for.

    1. Kathy, our Aussie fireworks cost millions apparently. I can give them a miss any time but I know that parents like to take their children to see them as I probably did back in the day too.

  7. Replies
    1. Happy New Year to you too, Chrissy. I hope you keep well in 2018.

  8. Chel, I wish you and yours a wonderful, happy, healthy, and great roses new year. ( and prob some arm twisting!!!!) x

    1. Chookasmum, I think there will be lots of arm twisting this year. LOL!

  9. Wishing you & your family a Happy New Year. 🎉

    1. Same to you Karen. I hope 2018 brings you and your family much joy and happiness.

  10. Happy new year Chel, I hope it's going to be a delightful one, filled with new things to learn. I'm afraid, I'm no help in the rose dept. I just purchased the most die-hard variety I could find, which seems to have survived my ignorance of their needs.

    I did know a few rose enthusiasts in the past though, and they would religiously apply manure to their roses, once a year - much to the neighbours' discontent, lol. Oh, and straw mulch. They told me, this was their secret to successful roses.

    Good luck with your new years' journey in 2018. I hope those home repairs come along, without incident. :)

    1. Yes Chris, I do hope my roses are hardy like yours :-) It has been so muggy this week. Must be dreadful down the range. Hope it cools down soon but after all, It is summer!

  11. Your roses look beautiful, Nanna Chel. I know what you mean about the fireworks. I watched the tape, and at first was awestruck by the beauty. After that, I started thinking it was a bit long. Finally, I had to turn it off, because I felt sick. Happy New Year!

    1. I hope you have a very Happy New Year, Stephanie.

  12. May your year to come be a blessing in more ways than you imagine, Nanna Chel.
    I want to learn soap making this year...looking forward to your post about it. X

    1. Jenny I will link to a few easy tutorials for beginners in my next post. You will be making soap in no time :-)

  13. Nana Chel re the fireworks my 80 yo Mum said the same thing this morning.
    My private ''thing'' re waste of money is personalized number plates , don't ask me why they just are. But l suppose that is personal money and not public money. Still that is what l think every time l see them.

    1. Ha ha, I guess we all have a 'thing' about something. It doesn't involve money but my pet hate is people who don't put their trolleys away in shopping centre car parks. I can understand young mums with babies doing that but really, how hard is it to do for the general population.

  14. Your roses are beautiful Nanna Chel. I hope you will share how to care for roses because I struggle with this also.

    That is sad to hear about that young mum. Staying positive in the midst of trial can be difficult, but also necessary for a better result.

    I am organising my craft room to do more creating this year and I have assigned an area for doing soap making with friends...so finally I will do it!! With the help of you of course. I look forward to your tutorials.

    Happy New Year!


    1. Tania we have the Queensland Rose Garden here so I have contacted them for advice. I will pass on any tips when I hear from them.

  15. Your soaps look beautiful! It's great to see you are doing so many interesting things. Yes, hope springs eternal and there is always something positive to be found even in difficult times. I hope it's a very happy year for you!

    1. Kelly, I hope your year is full of love and joy. Plus lots of weaving.

  16. Nanna Chel, my husband is pretty good with roses and he says ya need to cut the effected portion of the bush away and apply a solution (he likes Ortho) that will prevent the disease from spreading. Aphids carry the black rot, etc and banana peels deter aphids. But, if the bush has the spots, you'll prolly have to take the cutting away route. Hope this helps.

  17. Mary, please thank your hubby for those helpful tips.

  18. Your soap prep sounds intriguing and creative and those little sunflower soaps so pretty. I....and many people I know....share your feelings about the money wasted on fireworks. A very happy, healthy New Year to you and yours Chel.


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