
Friday, 26 July 2019

2019 Jumpers and Jazz Festival

Yesterday I met some friends in Warwick to visit the 2019 Jumpers and Jazz in July Festival which is an annual event. It was a beautiful sunny day after a cool start and the weather was just perfect for walking up the main street to see the creations which have been made this year to wrap around the trees on the footpath.

So firstly we took a leisurely walk up the street and said 'Good Morning' to Premier Byrnes who was the Premier of Queensland and Warwick's MLA many years ago and died at the very young age of 37. He wears a different scarf and beanie every year.

There were so many interesting shops to look through but I forgot to go back and check out this one which was being guarded obviously. LOL!

This is one side of a display around a tree. It was really amazing.

There were lots of crocheted flowers...

...plus knitted coverings for bikes which would have been quite a feat to produce I would imagine. 

We then headed to the Art Gallery which had a very colourful garden outside....

...and part of an exhibition by Alison McDonald draping a tree ...

...which was made from recycled bottle tops. 

Inside was this really cute cottage which also featured last year but was decked out in different colours. Check it out here. 

You really need to pay attention to the amount of detail in each section.

See the red back spider sitting on the seat of the toilet out the back :-) I love it! 

In another room the rest of Alison McDonald's exhibition was on display. If you look on her website she has photos of other regions in Australia where she has shown this massive creation which seems to be called 'Flow'. It really is something to behold.

These are individually hand-cut and coloured recycled PET plastic rings. 

Then it was time for lunch before driving up to St.Mary's Hall where a plant sale was being held. Of course I don't need any more plants but am always on the lookout for succulents that I don't already have so was pleased to find three on sale for a good price. Somehow they found their way into my car. Ha ha!

Also in the hall selling their tin creations were Hilary  and Allan Edmonstone from Rusted on Relics who will be showing their wares at this year's Bush Christmas in Toowoomba from 27th November to 6th December.  I absolutely love the 'dresses' that Hilary has made from tin. Allan makes hats from tin and also from barbed wire which, of course, are purely decorative. LOL! They don't have a website but if you live in the region and would love to see their work then do go along to the Bush Christmas. I imagine their stock will sell out very quickly. 

If you live in the area and want to go for a drive over the weekend then the festival is still on until Sunday. The weather is beautiful at the moment so it is a great time to visit. Unfortunately Warwick and Stanthorpe are running out of water so rain is badly needed and hopefully some will fall in the not too distant future. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. So much to see, I imagine you'd need more than a day to do it all justice. I love that those succulents just jumped in your car lol

  2. You would enjoy it, Nanette. Yes a lot of people stay for a few days so they can see everything.

  3. A wonderful event Chel and such a drawcard for visitors. I've seen a similar concept in Tasmania. The cold climates certainly encourage this kind of creativity 😀Love the llama.

    1. The idea has certainly grown in Warwick. I remember when the first few trees were yarnbombed a number of years ago.

  4. I saw a news article on this festival and was hoping you would be showing some of the artworks this year ... wasn't disappointed.

  5. I try to go each year but missed a couple of years ago when the flu hit.

  6. Thanks for capturing pictures, of such creatives in the Warwick region. So colourful and inventive. Loved the details they lavished too. Sunflowers and pineapples, are two of my favourite things! Red-back spiders, not so much. Except if they're made of yarn, lol. ;)

  7. Red back spider aren't my favourite either Chris. The Art Gallery display had so much interesting detail. It must have taken ages to knit and crochet everything. The theme this year was 'Connect' as far as I can remember.


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