Thursday, 21 August 2014

Do you find the news overwhelming at times?

Lately it seems that we are just hearing bad news stories constantly and a day doesn't seem to pass without hearing about the latest revelations of misconduct by people we respected or seeing footage of unspeakable brutality inflicted by humans on their fellow humans. Sometimes I find it quite overwhelming and wander out to the back yard to find refuge in the beauty of nature.

Call it escapism if you will but there is only so much negativity that one can tolerate.

To be honest, I get more pleasure out of watching the chooks ...

...and the bees buzzing around...

...and the flowers in bloom...

...and the promise of peas soon... well as thoughts of mulberry pie in a month or so. 

How about you?


  1. Yes Nanna Chel, I agree completely. For me today, it was watching my twin 2-day old lambs investigating their paddock, venturing ever further from Mum. Gorgeous.

  2. That would be lovely to watch, Barb. I guess you have to leave them behind when you move.

  3. I try to turn off the news these days. It is too depressing. It is either news that makes me feel sick to the stomach, or it's celebrity / sports news which drives me nuts.

  4. I agree Alison. I do like to keep up to date with the news but it has just been an overload of tragedy lately which is hard to comprehend and cope with.

  5. I love what you do in your backyard. Such beauty and yes, time for peaceful reflection away from the nasties of life. I thank God that you and I and our friends have somewhere to go to do this and that while we might get sick of hearing the news, we are not part of these tragic events. My weekend approaches and i am blessed with two days of good weather to do what i choose to do and not much that i have to do. Such freedom should be honoured. Im making a pledge to include doing something for someone else.

  6. I hope you have a relaxing weekend, Lynda. We have a fermentation workshop tomorrow so it should be a great morning out.

  7. I told my hubby the other night that I was going to have the cable shut off. I'm tired of hearing all the news. Bad all the time. I go outside too to escape. Love your pictures!

    1. Glad you like the pictures, Joyful. The cropping tool is my best cuts out hubby's mess in the backyard. LOL!

  8. I just found your blog from Joyful's blog. What a lovely place to visit. I want to add you to my blog list. I agree that with the world in the state it's in we just have to separate ourselves from the news and just enjoy God's beauty here. I too would love to cancel cable but my mother who lives with me would be devastated!

    1. Welcome Melanie. Glad you have found my little blog. Yes, let's appreciate the beauty of creation and not get overwhelmed by the sadness in the world.

  9. I still watch the news even so, but nature is more soothing.

    1. Deb, hope you enjoyed the rain! I agree that nature is much more soothing than the news.

  10. i dont watch or listen to the news, it so very disturbing and they show way too much graphic footage. if there is anything i need to know my husband tells me.
    my chooks are also very entertaining. my mulberry tree has fruit starting, it would be great if you could share your pie recipe.

  11. Nicole, there is a recipe in the recipe section at the top of the page. It did taste quite nice and I think I just used bought pastry for the base and top. We rarely eat pies of any sort but wanted to use at least some of the mulberries before the flying foxes at the lot. They have been a nuisance the last couple of years.

  12. Very little media in this house for the last two weeks, and I am not missing it. I have not put the TV on except for Gardening Australia and River Cottage on Saturday afternoon. I do switch the radio on in the morning to wake me, but once I am up off it goes! I don't want to know any more sad news that is happening in the outside world. I am wrapped up in my little cocoon and the rest of the world can just go away. Spring has sprung here, I have chickies about to hatch, chooks are laying heaps of eggs again, the birds and the bees are doing their thing, it is lovely to just sit and absorb for a while. The chooks just scratch around, picking up bits to eat, not a worry in the world, lucky buggers....


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