Monday, 27 November 2017

A Christmas Giveaway

I have mentioned before that I have some friends who are really talented and creative when it comes to sewing, quilting, craftwork, crochet, knitting and so on. One of those lovely friends has asked me if I would like to have a little giveaway on my blog and she has made a couple of beautifully made potholders which would be so very useful in the kitchen or to give away for Christmas.


 The potholders are 100% cotton front and back with one layer of Insulbrite plus one layer of wadding and measure about 19cm (7.5 inches ) square.

Aren't they a beautiful colour? 

 You would have already seen some of Judy's work as she gave me a couple of crocheted dishcloths at our Home Maker's Forum get-together in Caloundra in July.... she created her version of the Stay Put Towel which is quite ingenious especially if your towels tend to 'wander'. 

She also surprised me with this beautifully made mug rug for my birthday. Whenever I am feeling down which for some reason seems to have happened a lot this year, I reach for a mug that has been given to me by one of my friends and that tends to make me feel a little better. So now as well as my 'comfort mugs' I have a lovely mug rug to sit them on as well while I drink my coffee and contemplate the issues of life. 

Back to the giveaway now....unfortunately it is only open to Australian readers. To enter just leave a comment below saying you would like to enter and if you can't comment, as I know some people can't, then leave a message via the Contact Form which you can find on the right hand side as you scroll down towards the bottom of the page. 

You have until midnight on Sunday 3rd December to enter and the next day a name will be pulled out of the hat and you will be notified ASAP. Then, if I don't have your contact details you can send me your address via the Contact Form and I will let Judy know and she will send the prize off to the winner and hopefully Australia Post will deliver the potholders before Christmas.

Thanks so much to Judy for being so generous. I am sure someone is going to be really blessed by winning these potholders. 


  1. So many beautiful things! Too bad I don't live in Australia.
    I look forward to seeing who wins these beautiful and very useful pot holders and towel.

    1. Nil unfortunately Australia Post has increased its postage costs and reduced services so posting overseas is quite expensive.

  2. Judy is so talented and makes beautiful items. I love your mug rug, that'd be sure to cheer you up Chel.

    1. Yes, it is very pretty, Nanette and cheers me up no end.

  3. my goodness, how kind of Judy, will share on our FB page too for our DTE members there...big hugs

  4. Oh, that's lovely and generous too. I really like the colours in the pot holders, blues of any kind are my favourite colour! Would love to enter, thanks Chel and Judy. Meg Xx

    1. I love the blue as well, Meg. Judy is multi-talented.

  5. That is so thoughtful and generous of Judy. I love her knitted dishcloths and would like to enter. Thanks so much.

    1. Kylie, I have put your name in 'the hat' so to speak :-)

  6. Thank you Judy for this very gorgeous precious giveaway

    1. Nice to hear from you, Bridget. I hope all is well.

  7. Yes you do have some clever friends. How kind of Judy to donate such a lovely prize. Yes please add me to the list in the giveaway. Wish we were closer so I could pop over and have a cuppa with you. This will happen the next time we're in Toowoomba.

    1. Consider yourself added to the list, Jane. Yes we definitely will have to have a cuppa together when you are in town.

  8. i love the potholders. beautiful colours and design. how generous especially at this busy time of year. ann

    1. The blue colour is just lovely I must say, Ann.

  9. I would love a chance to win the gorgeous pot holders. Some people are so talented, and the colours are beautiful!

  10. What beautifully made potholders, they would go so well in my kitchen. I love your mug rug.

    1. Judy is very good at sewing so I imagine her potholders are just perfect. Not quite like mine would be. LOL!

  11. what a generous offer of Judy, wow she is so talented!
    lovely pot holders!
    thanx for sharing

    1. Selina, Judy is very generous as you say. I will put your name in 'the hat' too.

  12. Because I do a lot of cooking I use a variety of pot holders and these look beautiful. What a lovely Christmas thought by your very clever friend Judy, and by you as well Chel. I really admire people who are so creative with practical things.I would love to enter just to be part of it. Many thanks for the opportunity. Pauline

    1. You are welcome, Pauline. I would imagine you would use a lot of potholders in your kitchen as you love cooking.

  13. Such a good friend is the lovely, Judy........and a very very talented lady to boot. Please enter me in the draw Chel - the potholders are absolutely gorgeous.

  14. Your friend Judy is very kind-hearted to offer up such a great prize Nanna Chel. I would love a chance to win some of her gorgeous work.

    Thank you for hosting this special giveaway :)


  15. How lovely and thougthful I would to win any of her work butpot holder s are great .

  16. Just in time for Christmas ...Perfect

  17. Hi Chel, Wow, what a talented and very generous friend you have in Judy. The blues on her pot holders remind me of our NZ Paua shell, which is just gorgeous. I'd love to go in for a chance to win those. Please thank you so much for her generosity and yours for allowing them to leave your home and not keep them. Cheers Lyndie

    1. Ha ha Lyndie, the potholders didn't get this far as Judy is posting them to the winner from NSW to save double postage costs. Otherwise I might have been tempted to keep them :-)

  18. Those pot holders look beautiful ��

    1. Yes Lyn, Judy does beautiful work...just like yourself ;-)

  19. Throw me in the hat too Nanna Chel I so need new potholders, really should be making them from Kaths pattern though.


    1. Me too, Chris but I just can't get motivated these days.

  20. As always, Judy has excelled. Count me in for the giveaway please???

    Thanks, Barb. xxx


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