Sunday 7 July 2024

A Cool Holiday

Recently a school friend and I drove to my favourite holiday destination, Caloundra, for a week or so at the beach. As usual we got lost on the way but finally managed to arrive just as it was getting dark as she had been delayed by a flat battery in her car and had to wait for hours to get a new one. Well, the peak hour traffic up there is just incredible as so many people have moved to 
SE Queensland from southern states and obviously many of them trek to Brisbane each day to go to work so what used to be a nice quiet place to go for a holiday has become extremely busy. 


Thursday 2 May 2024

Winter is on the way

 There is a definite nip in the air to remind us that winter is just around the corner. I am sure many people who suffered through a really humid summer don't mind the cooler weather. April has  presented many challenges for our family and we have been the recipients of many flowers etc. including this beautiful arrangement of proteas. I have never grown proteas here to be honest but they seem to be very hardy.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Autumn is upon us!

It seems that just a few weeks ago here in Queensland we were complaining about the heat and humidity. However in the last week or so the temperatures have changed dramatically and we found ourselves having to dig out our winter clothes to keep warm. 

Sunday 18 February 2024

Nearly the end of a wild summer in Queensland

 Well, what a summer it has been here in Queensland with heavy rain, floods and a cyclone. Thankfully we have been spared any damage unlike many other regions where houses have been demolished by wild storms. Late one afternoon I could see something strange through the windows and when I went outside the sunset was just beautiful. 

Saturday 6 January 2024

Storms, a cooked modem and belated Christmas greetings.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with your families. We had a lightning storm the night before Christmas Eve and our internet modem and back up battery were cooked when lightning hit close to the house so I didn't get a chance to wish everyone a Happy Christmas.


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