I don't make New Year resolutions anymore but I do try to choose an appropriate word for the year and this year I have chosen 'Joy'. My word for 2024 was 'Hope' and I certainly did need hope last year as it proved to be a challenging year.

I have learned a lot of things about 'joy' especially as it doesn't necessarily mean happiness but something deep inside that is there despite what is going on around us. Life can be hard for everybody sometimes and when you reach the age I am now you realise that life isn't fair but you just need to get on with it and find joy in the little things.
As I have mentioned before I have lots of friends who love gardening and are also very generous and share their plants so I have been the recipient of several colours of Day Lillies....
...which have to try to survive amongst the hundreds of my hubby's dahlias which take over the garden when we have lots of rain like we have had lately.
At least I haven't killed off the Blue Moon rose which a friend didn't want last year. Mine had died so I was very happy to take it off him.

Each year the local Council gives away free plants and a couple of years back I picked out this
Syngonium which has produced some very interesting leaves. Perhaps it likes being neglected. 😏
The Zinnias are all looking beautiful and some are going to seed already. They produce hundreds of seed like the hollyhocks so I have heaps of seed to plant down the track. We are waiting to get a new front fence so a lot of the hollyhocks near the existing fence will be damaged by tradies' boots I am sure but I won't complain as getting a tradie to do something is becoming very difficult. I am sure I am not alone in this.
If any of the bloggers I follow are reading this please note that I am finding it almost impossible to leave a comment on their blogs especially if I am on my iPad. I am currently on a laptop and even today I was unable to leave a comment. I normally don't have trouble on the PC but I don't turn it on very often these days for some reason. Technology is beyond me at times.
I hope everyone is keeping well and keeping safe. The wildfires in California have been tragic. We are headed for a 37C degree day this week so I will be found in the aircon somewhere I am sure. I can't take the heat like I could when I was young. Mind you, we never did have 37C days here back in the day. I can see why the weather bureau tells people to check on the 'old people'. Well, that is us now. LOL!
It's lovely looking at pictures of your garden when here in England it is cold and wet and grey outside!