Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Embroidered jeans

Our Simple Living Toowoomba co-ordinator, Margy and I were brainstorming the other day about the coming year and she showed me a pair of jeans that she had embroidered. They looked fantastic and I would imagine would be so easy to do.

She has used an assortment of stitches which stand out well against the denim. When I see the young girls in their 'ripped' jeans I am always tempted to ask them if they would like me to mend them for them. LOL! I can't believe people buy jeans that already have holes in them! How different the culture is to when I was young and a hole in your clothes had to be mended ASAP.

Margy has done a great job on her jeans and hopefully she will hold a Boro - Visible Mending workshop during the year....

...as I am sure we would all be able to pick up a pair of jeans from the Op Shop to experiment on. I was looking at Vinnies today and they have heaps of them in stock. If you aren't a local but are visiting our city and are interested in Op Shops then do check out the Vinnies store on the corner of Long and Ruthven Street, Toowoomba as it is one of the best in town. There is also a Lifeline store around the corner from there as well.

As I was quite intrigued by Margy's jeans I asked my friend Margaret to bring hers along last week when we were catching up as she had worn them to our break-up workshop in November and they were quite unusual.

Although they were made in China they were designed by Didier Parakain of Paris. I had no idea who he was but obviously Margaret did when she was able to pick them up from an Op Shop for a song.

A combination of machine embroidery and hand embroidery has been used for this pair.

They probably cost a fortune in the boutiques so it just goes to show that you can really pick up some bargains in the Op Shops. I'd love to see some photos if any of my readers have embroidered their jeans.

It has been so very dry in SE Queensland with day after day of temps in the thirties which really is cool compared to what those in the southern states have been having to cope with but anything over 30C is much too hot for me these days. I haven't been trying to keep most of the veggies alive apart from some beans, silverbeet and a couple of cucumbers as so many plants are also being eaten by hungry insects and birds I imagine.

However, the CEO has planted a lot of seeds in the front garden no less and now we have about twenty melons of various sizes which look to be doing reasonably well. He bought a melon which the salesperson in the fruit shop said was a Candy Melon and dried and planted the seeds. When I was at the Farmers' Market on Saturday a lady there was selling similar coloured melons which she said were Honeydew Melons. So now I am confused about what exactly they are. I always thought Honeydew Melons were more of a green colour but I guess I will have to wait till ours are ripe and see what colour they are inside. Hmmm, I love a mystery!

You may have heard about the tourists who are flocking to our region to take selfies in the sunflower fields out in the country. Well, if you don't want to venture too far you can just visit Queens Park in the city as the gardeners have planted lots of sunflowers for visitors to take selfies with. I took this photo on Saturday at the entrance to the park across the road from the market at the Cobb and Co Museum grounds. So do visit if you are in town.

Have a great week everyone!



  1. Very creative designs. It's not my style though. I like simple denim jeans with no holes, stitches or patches. LOL

    1. Nil, I am yet to 'get around' to embroidering my jeans although I did buy a cheap pair of jeans at the Op Shop today to experiment with.

  2. I love, love, love these jeans...have shared on our DTE FB page too. Looks like there'll be lots of sunflower seed this Autumn..the birds will be happy xxx

    1. Thanks Sue, I still haven't gone over to the dark side (Facebook) LOL!

  3. Love your friends' jeans Chel, very creative. I boro patched a pair for a friend...she said to do whatever I liked, so I did, but no photos. She wore them on holiday in Thailand and ended up selling them to a young local woman who loved them. Hope you shows us what you do with yours. Hot here too, with a very dry garden.

    1. How amazing is that, Nanette. You must have done a good job!

  4. Oh i also want to "mend" these ripped jeans everyone is wearing! How lovely they look. Mmm I wonder if my grand daughter will let me "fix" her jeans.

    1. Of course your granddaughter will allow you to 'fix' her jeans :-) She might start a new trend.

  5. Chel Candy Melons are yellow on the outside and orangey pink on the inside. Honeydew Melons are the green to yellow on the inside. I love candy melons. They taste just like rockmelon. Honeydew melons are nice and have their own taste.
    Katie asked me to mend a pair of her ripped jeans. Might have a go at this style of mending. I love the colours and the stitching. If Katie doesnt like them they can always go to Vinnies.
    I love your Vinnies. It is the best one I have been to and I have been to a few. I always make the time to get there when we are in Toowoomba.

    1. My hubby says the Candy Melons taste great so I hope they ripen alright without being eaten by something first.

    2. Chel, our farm cats used to beat us to the rock melons, we would agree they needed 1 more day to be perfect and the cats would eat into them during the night....they seemed to know when they were perfectly ripe too ☺☺☺

  6. Margaret was lucky to find a boutique pair of jeans at the Op-shop, which actually fitted! I went to an Op-shop today, and everything I tried on, bunched up in all the wrong places. My broad shoulders are so hard to buy clothes for. The fitted clothes I do manage to find (that don't make me look like I'm wearing a tent) are worn until they fall apart.

    I actually have a shirt I need to patch a hole on, so this post has given me some ideas. Especially considering, it's right on the chest and no way to hide a patch. So why not make a feature of it?

    1. Yes Chris, that's a good idea. Perhaps you will get some ideas if you come along to our workshop soon as Valda has done reverse applique on one of her skirts.

    2. The new RSPCA op shop is now open near Kmart in the little group of shops where Rugs a Million is closing down.....and there is a well recommended Coffee shop too in the Framing shop in the same group.

    3. Aha...a new Op Shop + a coffee shop. I will have to check them out. Thanks Margaret.

  7. I love the embroidered jeans - thanks for sharing as they may inspire me one day. As for those ripped jeans I think they are ridiculous and was surprised so see my super hip sister-in -aw who is older than me wearing them. That is not a selfie of you with the sunflower, unless you are a bee.

    1. No I didn't take a selfie with the sunflowers. LOL! They aren't quite fully grown as yet in the park so were about waist high. They will be towering over me in a few weeks time.

  8. Chel, do you remember the embroidered jeans of the 70's? I can remember my friends and I thought they were the best things going.

    1. Aah the hippy era, Sherri! I remember it well. I had a few cheesecloth dresses and tops from memory too.

  9. What kind of thread do you use?

    1. Some of the crochet cottons work well.


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