Saturday, 16 August 2014

The Celebration of a Life

Some of my blog readers who have been with me from when I started up this blog in June 2013, may remember when I wrote the post titled 'Leaving a Legacy for our Children'. I wrote then about my group of friends, who had known each other since the 1970s, deciding to meet together around the anniversary of the death of another of our friends to celebrate her life with her daughter and little granddaughter. We continued the tradition again this year and had a lovely day celebrating the life of our old friend and marvelling at her strength and resilience as she faced life's ups and downs.

Our friend's granddaughter is just an absolute delight and we felt sad that she would never remember her grandma who left this world when she was just a bub. However, I am sure her mother will make sure she knows all about her strong and loving grandma who held her as a baby and tried to hang onto life for as long as she could in order to spend as much time with her as was possible.

 In the end though, her frail body succumbed to the insidious and deadly cancer that had attacked her once extremely healthy body a number of years before.


She had been an avid collector of everything which would now be considered 'vintage' but back in the 1970s when she was scouring Op Shops for old crockery etc. it wasn't a fashionable pastime like it is now.


 When her girls were preparing her house for sale we asked if we could each have a piece of crockery to remember her by... it was fitting that we drank out of her cups at morning tea while we shared our memories of her life. 


Her collection was quite massive and her house was tastefully cluttered with the most delicate cups, plates and nick-knacks from a bygone era. 

She passed on her love of  the 'old and sometimes quirky' to her daughter who, in turn, now has every corner of her home full of interesting little treasures that I found to be quite intriguing.

 Just look at this old sewing machine!

 We had a lovely day and talked and ate and then talked some more. As we parted I was reminded once more not only of the importance of the legacy we leave our children but also of the importance of having good friends in life who will faithfully stand by us through good and bad times.


  1. Nanna Chel, I just love this post what a wonderful thing to do. So many people forget so quickly now days and here you and your friends have kept a loved one so alive in your hearts! Thank you so much for blessing me and sharing such a precious memory.
    I hope you have a wonderful day!
    Jilly oxoxo

  2. Jilly, it certainly was a great day of chatting and remembering our friend.

  3. Just an awesome tribute to your friend and what a blessing to her daughter to know that there are others who still think of her mom!

  4. Wow, i hope that i leave behind a legacy of friendships that will continue on after i am gone. This was magical post and i so admire your group of friends. I also like the idea of each having something to remember her by that you can share with each other. She must have been a very special woman.

    1. Lynda, she did have a huge collection of crockery so I knew her children wouldn't mind sharing some with her old friends.


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