Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Christmas Gift Ideas

Are you preparing for Christmas? To be honest, I have been away so much in the past few weeks that I have hardly given it a thought apart from wondering what to make for my grandchildren who will be driving down from the Outback (with their parents of course) the week before Christmas. 

To motivate myself I had a look at various gifts and decorations I have made in the past and thought that some of my readers might be interested as well although there are hundreds of great ideas online and particularly on Pinterest. I won't go there to have a look as I know I will be there for hours. LOL! Does anyone else have that problem? Anyway, here are some past posts you might like to check out and you might even find some inspiration.

Stamped Spoon Plant Markers 

Did you see anything you liked there? If you did you could then wrap it all up with a reusable bow. They are really easy to make and can be used time and time again. 

Reusable Bow

Now...I just need to get started on my sewing seeing as there are only five weeks or so until Christmas. 

Have a great week everyone!



  1. I love them all, and there is a distinct pink and green theme in many of the pieces lol.

  2. Yes Barb, I just realised that. LOL!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes it is quick and easy to make, Phil...from a lace curtain from the Op Shop.

  4. I love the birds nest nevklace and the quiet book! I am pretty ready present wise but then there's decorating, cooking, wrapping etc to do. But I'm going ok. Got a parcel ready to post overseas today.
    It is getting quite exciting! Xxx

    1. Annabel, you are doing so well with your Christmas planning. It is usually very quiet for us and I didn't know the family would be joining us until a few weeks ago.

  5. Chel,

    Some great ideas! I especially like the origami wreath and the pincusion. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Sue, the wreath is really easy to make. Your girls would have fun with it I am sure.

  6. I still have hopes for a quiet book!! The Pom pom tutu is in the back of my mind for birthday gift this next time! Fun 'catalog' thanks!!

  7. Oh i know what im like when i get on Pinterest lol hours and hours :) They all look lovely Nana but i Love that bow, its so pretty xo

    1. Karen, we are making the bows at our Simple Living Toowoomba break-up on Saturday. Should be fun.

  8. If i hold my breath, will Christmas go away? Im missing you over on MY blog.

    1. Ha ha, I'm getting there. I am a bit behind with catching up at the moment.


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