Sunday, 16 October 2016

Home again

I arrived back home last night so am trying to catch up with what has been happening in the garden etc. over the last ten days. The CEO tells me there was hail here a couple of days ago. I wasn't even aware that it had rained since I had left although I fleetingly tried to check the forecast most days.

I was much too preoccupied with a little toddler and an equally active four month old puppy who both kept me amused much of the time.

I have come home with cuts all over my hands and ankles from the razor sharp teeth of Patchy who becomes extremely excited when the girls appear in the morning and when they come home from school. I think Puppy Training School is going to be in her future plans :-) However, she does learn quickly but just knowing exactly the right way to teach her is a bit hit and miss at the moment although I did buy a dog training DVD for the girls but it doesn't cover everything. She is quite adorable but got really hot on that 38C day we had which was perfect weather for a bath. I am not quite sure how puppies cope with the heat of an Outback summer but they do seem to survive.


My daughter had a little free time on Friday so when we were in the shopping precinct I thought I would take a couple of photos to show how close the mine is to where the shops are as I have mentioned in previous posts that the city was built right next to the mine which wouldn't be allowed these days. 

There are three chimney stacks that are visible from most parts of the city and this is the tallest one which stands out behind a row of shops in the centre of the shopping area.

In case one ever forgets that they are in a mining town - which would be hard to do - there are constant reminders like the safety flags on many of the vehicles which I think are called Mine Whips as well as the Hi Viz clothes most of the men wear.  


I spent a lot of time with this little fellow who loved getting into his big sisters' room while they were at school and playing with their little bits and pieces.

What he really loved though was playing in the huge sandpit with his Tonka truck...

...and hanging over the fence near the sandpit is the neighbour's mango tree which hopefully will drop some ripe mangoes in a few weeks time. That is if the flying foxes don't find them first.

There are lots of weeds to pull out this week so the next few days will be spent taking stock of what is growing well. There are heaps of mulberries to freeze and all the avocados seem to be ripening at once.  I did have pumpkins growing but the CEO bought some new chooks while I was away so the pumpkins have disappeared. Sigh! I need to fence off some more areas that they can't get into. 

I hope everyone is keeping well and safe as there have been several weather events happening lately. I have a friend in North Carolina who was waiting for the rivers to rise the last I heard but she was okay as was my other friend in Florida. As many of my readers live in the US I hope you are all okay. 

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Wow I had no idea that the mine was that close to town. The only mining area I have ever visited was Moranbah and I couldn't see a mine from the township. Shame about the pumpkins.

  2. Welcome back Chel,the rain was very heavy at my place but no hail, check out the Higgins storm chasing site, looks like we are in for some wet times ahead.
    Catch up this week ?

  3. Welcome home Chel. Apart from the disappointing pumpkin loss, I'm sure you'll be glad to be back in your own space. I too am sporting a scratched arm from my family's 10wk old Newfoundland puppy. :)

  4. I am glad you had a great visit. Have a super week!!

  5. Welcome back! I love that they have an op shopping precinct! I would have been there too!
    Rain and hail have featured here too, up until yesterday! xxx


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