Sunday, 16 April 2017

Which is your favourite?

At this time of the year we normally have a lot of dahlias growing and after the recent rain, courtesy of tropical cyclone Debbie, they have sprung up everywhere despite many bulbs being dug out by the chooks unfortunately. Destructive little things that they are.

 Each year I take a photo of the different varieties to keep a record of which dahlias have survived the chooks and general lack of water and TLC.

What is your favourite dahlia?

I like the pink ones but my favourite one is the red and white dahlia below which is actually a darker red than appears in the photo and it absolutely stunning.

It is easy to take these flowers for granted and it is not until someone says how beautiful they are looking that I take notice of them as all I have been seeing in the garden lately are the weeds that need to be pulled out after all the rain and the long grass that the guinea pigs can't keep up with. 

My Northern Hemisphere readers may not know that we have a four day holiday over Easter here in Australia...that is if you don't work in a supermarket or some retail stores and many families travel to the coast or go camping at this time. After the heat of summer it is a beautiful time of the year usually. I hope everyone had a very happy and blessed Easter and I pray that all those who will be travelling tomorrow will stay safe on the roads. 


  1. Oh they all are beautiful. I love the ones with lots of petals, no matter what the color is.
    Happy Easter Chel. Hope you are enjoying the long weekend.

    1. Yes they are particularly nice but I saw on TV the other day that a really plain one like the pink one in the third photo had won first prize in our local show. I was very surprised.

  2. They're beautiful. Looking at your photos I really like the orange and yellow ones. The colours are all so vibrant.
    Do they have a scent?
    Happy Easter to you too xx

    1. No scent Kylie but they do make a good cut flower.

  3. They are beautiful Nanna Chel! I love the peach one in the second photo. We have dahlias too but only one kind, I picked up a 10-pack for $5 at Bunnings a few months ago (marked-down plants section). It is a type called Mini-Dahlia and the flowers look like a pretty, large button.

    They do grow quite well, don't they? I think I might have to dig out and replant some.


    1. We do have a lot of bulbs in the ground @mrsmeagre. We have lived here for nearly 40 years and my hubby plants new bulbs when he discovers a new variety of dahlia. If he sees one in a garden he doesn't have he often asks the owner if they would share some bulbs. Most gardeners are only too happy to share.

  4. They are all lovely but I'm a bit partial to the red & white one too & the orange/apricot one. Hope you had a nice peaceful easter.

    1. Karen it is the red and white one for me too. In real life it will take your breath away.

  5. Nanna Chel, I love them all. So bright and gorgeous. Easter blessings to you.

    1. Barb, I had hardly noticed them until you mentioned them the other day. Hope your arrowroot survived.

  6. They are all lovely but I particularly like third purple one down!

    1. We are fortunate that dahlias grow so well here on the Darling Downs, Robyn. They do make a nice show I must say.

  7. Chel, These are all spectacular. I wish I could grow them. Some lillies are the only bulbs I cam grow successfully in the tropics.I like the red one as well.Happy Easter to you.

    1. Pauline, we can grow heaps of different types of bulbs here and there must be hundreds of them in the ground that have been planted over the last 40 years or so.

  8. I love dahlia's, I have to say hot pink with the white tips. What girl can go past some pink. Although they are all beautiful and I wish I had some gorgeous flowers to show for my attempts. I think I need to just stick to vegies x

    1. Clarissa, my hubby planted all the flowers years ago so I can't take the credit for the dahlias at all. My veggie growing attempts haven't gone so well lately unfortunately.

  9. They are all really beautiful, Chel. It's too hard to choose a favourite! Meg:)

    1. Now that's a nice problem to have, Meg. Yes they are very pretty.

  10. They are all beautiful!

    We here in the Northern Hemisphere are getting excited to see our own gardens beginning to wake up---tulips and daffodils are blooming in abundance right now.


    1. I love reading about how excited people in the Northern Hemisphere are about spring. Lately spring here has started with heatwaves so it is not a season I look forward to any more. It must be wonderful seeing all that colour after the white of snow for so long.

  11. Now Chel how am I supposed to pick a favourite? Every few photos I found a new favourite. There are all lovely. My poor garden suffered so much from the prolonged dry, hot spell. Now after the rain the weeds are out of control. I have so much work to do in the garden!

    1. Same here Sherri. So many weeds to dig out. I did do a few hours of weeding the other day s at least I have made a start but there is a lot of nettle to pull out after I have kept some for soap making.

  12. aren't they gorgeous, can you grow peonies there?

  13. I believe they do grow here but I have tried for two years without success, Sue. I just love peonies.

  14. Nanna Chel,
    They are all lovely and the weather is great too right now. Hope you enjoyed your Easter break.

    1. Shiralee, the weather is definitely nice at the moment but I guess it won't be long before we will be complaining about the wind and the cold. LOL! Still it will be better than the heatwaves.

  15. Wow! They are stunning. I like pale pinks best. My Grandpa used to grow these and the flowers were huge, I always loved them. I also just love Peonies but have never seen them in a garden only in a florist. Roses I can grow! Hope you are having a good week Nanna Chel! xxx

    1. I would love it if my peony bulb flowered. It has been in the ground for two years now and it cost about $16 to buy but so far we have had no success. I hope to have some roses soon when the lady across the road gets rid of hers as she doesn't want them and they were planted by the previous owners.

  16. I really can't pick a favorite. You mentioned peonies - I am waiting to see if my peonies all come up, we shall see. So far my best crop is weeds as usual!


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