Monday, 17 March 2014

It's time for a trip up north!

As my granddaughters live at the other end of the state and I only see them twice a year, it is time for a visit from Nanna! So at the end of this week I will be flying to the North-West of Queensland to spend a week with them.

In case you are wondering about the photo above...the girls were playing hide and seek with their parents. They were so well hidden I don't think they were ever found :-) I guess we could have a few games of hide and seek as well as.... a spot of sewing. I recently bought the girls an Elna Mini which is just the perfect size for them and they loved it. Hopefully we will get time to do some sewing on the weekend as ironically, it is my first year of retirement after working in a school for many years and now both the girls will be at either Prep or Kindy. In the past I have always had to visit in the school holidays as I was working the rest of the year. Never mind!

My daughter, son-in-law and the girls live in a mining town in the Outback where it is hot and, even though there has been some recent rain, still in drought. On the day I arrive the forecast temperature is 39 degrees Celsius (102.2F) which will be 12 degrees hotter than here.

I think a few visits to the Family Fun Water Park might be in order for Nanna so I can run through the water features and cool down.
The family has just moved into their first home so it will be great to see it and be of some help if possible. It would be nice if they lived closer but that is how it is these days with many families scattered around the country or even overseas. It makes one appreciate the times that are spent together making memories. I must remember to pack my camera!




  1. What a gorgeous photo of 'the hidden ones'. I hope you have a lovely visit with them all.

  2. Thanks Barb. It is a gorgeous photo isn't it even though it was taken with a mobile phone. My son-in-law is good at taking some cute photos of the girls and they keep me up to date with how they are growing as they change a lot between my six monthly visits.

  3. I live a 1,5 hours drive away from my parents, which, in my country is a lot LOL. As I see what kind of struggle it is here to see them on a rather regular base (I try at least once a month), I really feel for stories I read on the www with people living in the same country having to take flights for example. Such funny pictures, seems like you had a great time!

  4. How exciting, I bet they love a visit from Nana!


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