Monday, 2 July 2018

Coming up....

Our region has some really great events coming up and I know there are readers who are keen to know what is worth travelling to from the Big Smoke etc. for a weekend so here are a few that I am aware of.

Firstly the Toowoomba Camellia Show and Garden Expo will be held on the 21st and 22nd July.

Jerry Coleby Williams from Gardening Australia spoke at the event the last time we went and it was absolutely bucketing down that day.This year I don't know anything much about the speakers but they are Claire Bickle, Dr.Stephen Utick and Phil Dudman.

The absolutely fantastic and cool (literally) Jumpers and Jazz in July will be held in Warwick from19-29 July and if you are coming from the warmer parts of the country then don't forget to bring a coat, gloves and a beanie if you are staying for any length of time as the mornings can be really cold in Warwick. However the days are usually warm afterwards.

Even the statues are kept warm as they oversee the traffic along the main street.

On the 29th July at Harristown High School in South Street the Toowoomba Handmade Expo Market will be held from 9am to 2pm. If you don't do your own craftwork then this is a good opportunity to buy some handmade gifts and keep them for Christmas presents.

As you may have seen on TV or read in the media Toowoomba has a reputation for taking in refugees fleeing desperate situations and on the 12th August the Toowoomba Languages and Cultures Festival
One World Many Faces  will take place from 10am to 4pm in Queens Park.  I daresay The Mulberry Project which I have mentioned before in this post will be there so it will be interesting to see what unusual plants they have for sale.

Of course everyone would have heard of our famous Carnival of Flowers and this year it will be on from the 21st to 30th September during the Queensland school holidays. If you plan on attending then check out all the events which have been planned for the festival as there are many. Also if you intend to stay overnight you really need to make your bookings ASAP as accommodation is hard to find at the last minute.

Toowoomba is once again hosting the Lost Trades Fair at the Cobb and Co Museum from the 6th to 7th October. I attended this last year and it was really interesting and I am sure it will be bigger this year. Learning the old trades is becoming more popular and many of the classes in Blacksmithing at the Cobb and Co Museum have already sold out including the one for teens which is a good sign. I noticed last year that The Lost Trades Fair is a hit with the menfolk as they were there in droves.

Last but not least are our Simple Living Toowoomba workshops for the next few months including this month's cheesemaking workshop on the 21st July, toothbrush rag rug workshop on the 25th August and on the 8th September  Linda Brennan from Ecobotanica in Brisbane and author of A Delicious Bunch will be teaching us about edible flowers.

So it's all happening in our neck of the woods and there should be something coming up to please everyone ...well mostly everyone :-)

I have just changed a setting on my blog as I received an email about Chrome today so if you have any trouble can you let me know and I will try to find someone sensible to help me work it out. Thank you.


  1. Everything looked good from here, no problems seeing everything. Looks like a lot going on in your area, I will be looking forward to your photo journals in the future! I may never get to Australia so you are the next best thing!! No pressure of course. ;)

    1. Thanks Kathy. It would be lovely if you could visit our lovely city as it is very pretty especially in spring when the parks and gardens look stunning.

  2. Lots of events to look forward to up your way, Chel. I must bring our boy for a trip up the range one day, for a picnic in one of those lovely parks you have. Meg:)

    1. Meg, I had a look in the parks the other day and the plants are all growing well for the Carnival of Flowers. This little bit of rain today will help hopefully although it is very light here with lots of fog.


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