Sunday, 19 August 2018

Back to normal

My 70th birthday celebrations did seem to go on for quite a while but it was lovely to meet up with my friends and to enjoy their company. Like most people I have friends I have made at different stages of my life and some have been in my life for over forty years. I also have school friends that I have been meaning to organise a reunion with but keep forgetting. I have known them since 1952 or so. I meant to organise a reunion to celebrate our class turning 70 but never did get round to it as it kept slipping my mind. Hmmm, I wonder if that means something :-) Perhaps I should start doing crosswords. 

Even though I asked my friends not to bring gifts they did anyway. Naughty girls! I received so many beautiful flowers some of which have been dried in this recent hot weather and some are still going strong in vases.

 One of my old Down to Earth forum friends sent me this keepsake teddy bear which was a total surprise....

...and one of my 'old' friends gave me the beautiful Natalie Chanin book Alabama Stitch Book which is full of so many good ideas... she painted this for me after I saw a wall hanging in her home that I thought was so funny. She is very creative and can put her hand to anything I am sure. 

Then to top it all off I received another surprise in the mail from a lovely blogger friend. I won't say who it was but see if you can guess :-)

She is another very creative and talented lady ...

...and is so very generous and encouraging. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to make my birthday so very special.

Now it is time to face up to reality and the fact that I need to pack up everything in the kitchen and bathroom in readiness for the builders to take over, hopefully ONLY for two weeks. I won't start packing until I get a start date from them and the plan is to then disappear for a week or so once the renos start. I am not sure how I am going to cope with being without a kitchen and bathroom for two weeks. We could get a tad smelly by the end of the renos. LOL! I will leave the CEO here to supervise the tradies  :-)


  1. Just keep the kettle and teapot out Nanna Chel and all will be well!

    1. Ha ha, Phil..just as long as I can find them! We have a very small house so even moving the fridge into another room is going to be a challenge. LOL!

  2. My guess is, Rhonda, from Down to Earth. Since you guys meet sometimes in person, when you're heading down that way - or, is it, UP that way? Don't ask me to read a map please, lol.

    I'm glad you got so many new memories to treasure, on your 70th birthday. I personally know several people, still living well into their nighties (at home). You may be one of those lucky ones too! Just maybe not for the next few weeks, with renovations. Good luck with them.

    1. No Chris, it wasn't Rhonda :-) My mum lived at home till she died at 97 but my sister was there to help her out in the last few years. Getting older is quite strange as you still feel the same inside and it is only the mirror that tells a different story.

    2. Okay, so my first instincts said, "Meg Hopeful". :)

      Wow, that's great your mum lived that long. My mum's friend is hanging out to get his letter from the queen, lol. Which for those who don't know, means you've reached the century milestone!

    3. Chris, not Meg either :-) I did get two letters for my birthday from our local and federal members. I also got one from the govt saying that a bowel testing kit was on its way. That was weeks ago and it hasn't arrived yet. Obviously it is coming via Australia Post LOL!

    4. LOL, that last bit, cracked me up!!

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday celebration with lots of family and friends. 😊
    I hope renovation goes smoothly. Can you keep a small hot plate in another room?

    1. Nil, my hubby has a gas bottle he uses for camping that he says we could use. It is old though. I will definitely make use of the crockpot and electric frypan.

  4. Lovely that you celebrated such a wonderful 70th with your family and friends, being spoilt a little and feeling special. I love the little hoop, my guess is Jenny of Elephanz because I know she is an very talented and creative embroidery whiz. Meg:)

    1. Yes Meg, it was the very creative and generous Jenny :-)

  5. Those roses are stunning! And the bear, and that book (been on my list for a while) LOL!
    Just stay focused on how much better life will be after the reno. :-) xx

    1. Jenny, it has turned so cold here if the builders come and say they want to start the renos soon I might take off to Townsville where it is warm. LOL!

  6. I guessed it was Jenny :)I'm so pleased you've enjoyed this milestone birthday Chel. I hope we get some rain here soon! Mimi xxx

  7. Rain is still on the forecast for us Mimi. Hopefully we do get some and you too.

  8. It sounds like you enjoyed the loveliest milestone birthday Chel. The result of the renovations will be a wonderful belated birthday gift as well. What a good excuse though to treat yourself and a friend or hubby to a morning tea outing. There are so many lovely places to go to in Toowoomba:) Pauline

    1. Yes Pauline, I have probably tried most of the coffee shops in town :-) They just seem to be springing up all the time.

  9. Love your gifts Michele especially the handmade ones.
    I guess you can have salads or all in one pot meals cooked on a burner.

    1. Jude, hopefully the tradies won't start till it is warmer and I can just rig up a salad rather than cook something.

  10. How blessed you have been dear Chel, and you jolly well deserved to be too. I nodded my head in agreement and a chuckle when you wrote to Chris how we don't feel as old as we are until we look in the mirror. Too true, and gosh we must be so lucky have the privilege of good health. Oh I don't envy you your renovations, we're planning to repaint our bathroom soon and not looking forward to it all as the stubborn bloke in my life won't have a tradie do it. Sounds like a good plan for you to take a little holiday while it's happening.

    1. Sally it will be the first time in 40 years that hubby has let a tradie do anything apart from replacing the hot water system a couple of times. One benefit of getting older I guess :-)

  11. Happy Belated Birthday!! Good luck on the renovations, crock pot and electric skillet for sure!


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