Saturday, 25 August 2018

Another successful rag rug workshop

This morning we had another rag rug workshop run by our Simple Living Toowoomba group. I think this one was our fourth as they are always very popular. One of our ladies brought along some beautiful rag rugs she has made since learning the craft a few years ago and the mauve one on the right in the photo below is absolutely huge.

 Everyone starts off the same...a little frustrated with the first few steps as it can be a little fiddly ...


...but after that section has been completed it is plain sailing from then on. 


 It is always encouraging to see one's rug grow....


...little by little. 

 Here is another rug done by the same lady who made the beauties in the first photo...

 ...and here is another one made by another very competent lady. What is great about our group is that everyone is happy to help share their skills and we all have a laugh about our mistakes. 

I did do a blog post a while back sharing some basic info about starting off a rug Toothbrush Rag/Rug Tutorial and in it there are some links to tutorials that I found helpful at the time. Last week I found another great tutorial which shows a different way to start off a circular rug which I hadn't seen before and which you might find interesting Starting an Amish Rug/Toothbrush Round Rug

Typically, I always seem to talk my way through these workshops and don't usually achieve much as I don't really have room for a rug as such so had been experimenting this past week with using strips of Tshirt fabric to make a small 'rug' to put on the new bench once the tradies put it in and hopefully the CEO won't burn the laminex with his metal camping cups he likes to use. Mind you, the old yellow bench from the 1970s has done well and has only shown signs of wear from his hot cups in the past few years. 


I am no expert with  making these rugs but so far it seems to be working out alright. I am really just experimenting with the circle shape which I haven't deliberately tried before but I do believe I ended up with a circle by mistake once :-) You could also end up with a bowl if you don't add extra stitches as you go around. Don't ask me how I know. LOL! Life's an adventure isn't it? 

As I write this I am still waiting for the forecast rain. I can see clouds but there has been no rain as yet although I believe it has rained in other parts of south east Queensland. As long as those on the land get it that is all that really matters as those of us in town have it easy in comparison. Our farmers are really doing it tough so please help them if you can by donating to the many fundraisers that are around at the moment. Judging by the Aussie Helpers page help is starting to get through but much more need to be done of course. 

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the rain if you happen to see any at your place. 


  1. lovely rugs!
    no rain here either yet, though they do like to forecast that we are going to get it, that was a month ago & now they're saying rain tomorrow hah will believe it when i feel it!
    we did a luncheon on Wednesday for the senior citz & the morning tea money is going to be donated to the drought appeal plus half the raffle money too i believe. at the end of the day there was heaps of bikkies left so we are going to keep it going at our sunday markets too
    wonderful post
    thanx for sharing

    1. Selina we just got some light rain overnight and I think that is it. Hope you got some.

  2. Rain finally in the early hours of this morning, such a beautiful sound on the roof! I hope the farmers are getting some liquid gold out their ways because it is such a hard time for them. The rag rugs look lovely! Meg:)

    1. Meg it was so light I couldn't hear the rain on the roof. Apparently some areas got a lot and others got none.

  3. Those rugs are absolutely beautiful. And your rug is coming pretty well, Chel.

    I hope you will soon have rain. I read Rhonda was also waiting for rain.
    Here it's the opposite, it's been raining nonstop today.

    1. Nil, send some rain over to us. The firecast is for a dry spring so the firefighters are getting nervous.

  4. Those rugs are lovely, I always intend make some as we have hard floors throughout due to Wills severe dust allergies and asthmatic children. But a small rug next to the bed to pop feet on a cold morning is lovely and easy to pop in the wash. One day I shall master the art!


  5. Emma you would have no problems mastering the technique. You are a talented lady :-)

  6. aren't they wonderful, it's all my Mum had in her childhood home of the 30s and 40s, made by Grandma of course xxx

  7. We got a little rain in the AM (Sunday), and went up another rung on the tank. But we would really like some more. Today was the best chance for that precipitation, as the weather predictions are for another week of "mostly sunny". Maybe we'll get a surprise mid-week, and prove the weather predictions wrong, lol. I hope so!

    I love your idea with the round mat for your husband's cup. And all the rag rugs look delightful. Fingers crossed, the rest of your renovation go well, and you'll have a brand new kitchen soon. I can't wait to see those pics! By the way, I changed the link on my last post - see if you can see the video footage this time? I hope so. It's a really funny dance. :)

  8. I love these so much! They are heirlooms in the same way as quilts I think. Just lovely! xxx


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