Monday, 24 June 2019

Mosaic and Leadlighting Workshop ~ Simple Living Toowoomba

A few years ago one of the members on Rhonda's Down to Earth Forum did a tutorial on how to create a mosiac work of art on stepping stones. As I usually do, I got enthusiastic and took myself off to Bunnings to buy all the required tiles, glue etc. but that is as far as I got so I was super excited when one of our Simple Living Toowoomba ladies offered to do a mosiac and leadlighting workshop for us.

Well that is far as I got with this blog post before I got the dreaded blue screen and was locked out of my new computer. It is still being looked at by the tech team where I bought it but I am not happy and would prefer to just ditch it and buy a Mac if I could afford it as I was very upset by the incident especially as I had used my old PC for over ten years without a hitch. Enough of that though so back to our next workshop.

Our presenter is very talented as you can tell from the photos. She won't be doing a hands on workshop but will explain the process of leadlighting.

As you can imagine it would take quite a while to make a lampshade etc. and would require specialist tools too I guess so we don't have time to see the process during our two hour time slot.

Aren't these lampshades just beautiful?

If you happen to live in our region and would like to come along for the morning the details are as below. I am really keen on hearing about the process of decorating with mosiacs. 

Leadlighting and Mosaic Demonstration

Date:    13 July
Time:    10-12noon
What:   In this demonstration Jo will explain and demonstrate some different techniques to do with glass including lead lighting and copper foiling.  She will also take you through some of the steps for creating mosaics. 

As usual please feel free to bring along any handmade goods or excess homegrown produce you would like to share with those attending the workshops.

Where: Range Christian Fellowship, 15 Blake St, Toowoomba.
Cost:    $5
RSVP:   10 July to

Somehow I got this old laptop connected up even though it doesn't have WiFi capabilities so I stuck in a cord into the modem and it connected to the net. I had better shut it down now as I am paranoid about running into problems again. 

Have a great week everyone! 


  1. This artwork is beautiful. The cat is particularly lovely. I wish I lived up your way to join in.

  2. Yes I do love the cat mosiac piece. I doubt whether I could make something so pretty but I want to give it a try.

  3. I'm glad you're still able to post a little, a frustrating time. And the cat is gorgeous, looking forward to seeing yours.

    1. Yes I must admit I am a bit reluctant to use Windows 10 now, not that I have the PC back as yet. I felt really bad after the incident and was surprised at how much I panicked.

  4. Oh my...just in love with that cat! I can see how she's incorporated leadlight techniques, with the mosiac. I suspect the cat is made of opaque glass, as tiles aren't that forgiving to round cuts. My mum has done Leadlighting before, and I have a few of her pieces around the house. Lovely Jo's work. :)

    1. Chris, I am really looking forward to Jo's workshop and I hope she brings along some samples of her work for us to have a look at.

  5. I remember the series of posts on the forum about how to do mosaic.
    The cat mosaic and those lampshades are beautiful.

    1. Nil, I thought I had kept the instructions on my external hard drive on how to make those stepping stones but can't find it now. I still have all the supplies I bought at the time.

  6. This has given me an idea for stepping stones (I need some)and i love yours!


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