Saturday, 1 June 2019

Simple Slow Still

Those who are on the mailing list of our local group Simple Living Toowoomba would have received an email recently from our co-ordinator, Margy, who has started up her own business called Simple Slow Still - Live Simply, Slow Down, Be Still.

Oops, thankfully I uploaded the photos last night when I started this post as when I turned on the PC this morning I discovered it had died. It has lasted a long, long time so I can't complain and thankfully I had saved most of my photos onto an external hard drive but I am sure there are a few bits and pieces that I won't be able to access. Now I am trying to use my son's old castoff laptop which we have connected up somehow to the internet. So far it is working thankfully.

Anyway, back to Margy's new business. If you have a look around her website you will read that she is available to teach a number of crafts including....

... Tunisian Crochet which we did learn how to do at a Simple Living Toowoomba workshop a while back but, if you would like to learn this craft in a much smaller group and you live in the region, then contact Margy as she has a course coming up with might suit you. She may also be willing to travel so send her an email and discuss the possibility of her coming to do a workshop for you and your friends.

She is multi-talented and made this beautiful quilt from hexagons a few years ago. This took her quite a long time to sew as you can imagine but it was well worth the effort.

You might also like to learn how to declutter or how to reduce waste among other things.

Not only does she teach craft but she also is available to speak at retreats about slowing down, etc. Check out the Talks and Presentations page to read about different topics she can touch on.

She and her hubby David are now beekeepers as well and I have tasted the honey their bees produce and it is fantastic so, if you are new to beekeeping and have some questions to ask, then contact Margy and I am sure she would be happy to do a hands-on workshop to help you.

If you haven't met Margy before and would like to learn how to do 'Visible Mending that is Boro and Sachiko Inspired' then book in to our next Simple Living Toowoomba workshop coming up next Saturday on the 8th June as she will be the presenter. The workshop goes from 10am to midday. 

You know I think I like using a laptop as much as I like using an iPad to write things out and really, I don't like either of them as the laptop keyboard is uncomfortable and I really dislike using touch screens. However I would be lost without my iPad as it is so easy to use to read my mail and normally I wait till I am on the PC before writing long emails in response so I need to find another suitable PC rather quickly to replace our Old Faithful. I knew the day would come when it would die on me but I have been putting off replacing it as I know I am going to have to get used to Windows 10 and I hated it when I 'upgraded' to it a while back. So I 'downgraded' back to Windows 7 pretty quick smart.! It stands still for no seventy year old!!!!!!


  1. Chel, sorry to hear about your PC.
    It’s good that you have saved photos in an external hard drive. Also keep them in a secondary backup system as well. My previous hard drive suddenly stopped working and I lost all my photos and other documents . I have some photos in Google photos thankfully.

  2. Nil, I did save some documents on the external drive too. I had been expecting the PC to die one of these days so I shouldn't have been surprised. I am reluctant to learn how to use Windows 10 now :-(

  3. I find it very hard to dispose of my old computers because they have been friends and I wonder if there is something lurking on the hard drive that I will really really want one day. But now I am downsizing I have to get over sentimentality. I use my iphone mostly but use the PC for blog posts and comments, don't get many emails any more. Enjoy your new PC when you get it.

  4. Well, I just got a fright as my iPad wouldn't work and this old laptop wouldn't boot up. LOL! The sooner I get a new PC the better I think. I just hate having to sort out what to buy and not be ripped off though.


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