Saturday, 20 July 2019

Beautiful camellias

This morning I went to the Camellia and Garden Expo at the Toowoomba TAFE which is right next to the Cobb and Co Museum where our local farmer's market is held each Saturday. The last time I attended it was a cold rainy day which made it very miserable for everyone as most of the stall holders were outside in the weather. However this year it turned out to be a beautiful winter's day which was warm and sunny after a cold morning.


 It is always interesting to meet new people at our local market and today I met Vonnie from Von-Katz Soaps and Gift Baskets who was selling her handmade soap which was very impressive.

 If you haven't made soap before then you wouldn't realise how much experimenting goes into finally being able to produce soaps like those in the photo. Vonnie has a large variety of soap including some for washing the family dog.


 She also has gift baskets and apparently she is going to be selling online very soon once she has her website set up so if you are interested in some good quality soap then check out her Facebook page and I am sure she will announce when she is ready to send out her gift baskets, etc.  If you are a local you might find her at the PCYC markets at times too.

 After the market I headed over to the camellia show and you wouldn't believe the different varieties of camellias they had on display and for sale.

  In one of the tents there were several displays which I presume were for a competition.

 I felt a bit bad thinking about how neglected our poor old camellia tree is as it rarely is watered. 

 However, these camellias were just so beautiful and obviously get a lot of TLC.


There were also some local artisans there as well and I met Karen Canning from Studio Fifty Three. She was selling these plants inside a glass jar which was such a good idea.... well as Kokedama plants. Check out her website and you will see some of her stunning work there and she also holds workshops. 

 I just had to take a photo of this old timer as it brought back memories of when I was young.

Coroneos is a local plant nursery which has been around for ages. Don't you love the different colours of the camellias in the photo?

There were knitted and felted goods for sale and quilts as well plus a stall selling the loveliest pots and I did succumb and bought a $3 one which I thought was rather good as I didn't get tempted to bring home a box of plants like I usually do. It is just so dry I didn't want to have more plants to look after until the weather improves. 

The Expo finishes tomorrow so if keen gardeners live in the region it would be worth your while going for a drive to check it out. Sophie Thomson and Jerry Coleby-Williams from Gardening Australia are two of the speakers and they are always good to listen to. 

The beautiful weather is such a reprieve after the bitterly cold and windy day we had last Monday. I hope it has been nice at your place too. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 


  1. Camellias are wonderful plants. My mountain garden has lots of them mostly which do not flower profusely probably due to lack of attention on my part. At Kandos there is one in the southern corner of the house which is the only place cool and shady enough and it flowers wonderfully without any help from me ... the flowers started coming out this week.

    1. I really need to give mine some water as it is so dry here. Normally they flower quite nicely without any TLC.

  2. Those camellias are gorgeous.
    It’s very hot and humid here. And rainy.

    Have a good weekend, Chel.

    1. Nil I heard it has been dreadfully hot over in the US. I hope our coming summer isn't the same but that is probably wishful thinking.

  3. we don't see a lot of camellias in brisbane. just too hot maybe? how nice to have local craftspeople making lovely things. cheers sherry

    1. Sherry, they grow well here. We must have the right winter conditions for them. I really should give ours some water as it is so dry.

  4. I love the old car, Chel! There are many gardens that have camellias in them around where I live but I've never planted one here. They have such pretty flowers! Meg:)

    1. Meg, we have a pink one and a red camellia. There were so many different colours of them at the show that I was amazed.

  5. It was great meeting you at the Toowoomba Farmer's Market. Love your blog and thanks so very much for giving my Business a shout out! Much Appreciated!!!
    Vonnie (Von-Katz Soaps & Gift Baskets)

  6. You are welcome, Vonnie. You make some lovely soaps.


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