Friday, 12 July 2019

Nearly finished....thank goodness!

Some of my readers may have read a post late last year when we were having kitchen and bathroom renovations done. We had arranged with the builder to come back this year to renovate the laundry and toilet which were way overdue for some TLC just like the kitchen and bathroom had been. We were hoping they would have time to do the work in the warmer months but unfortunately they had a couple of weeks spare in the middle of winter so there have been some early mornings for me as they arrive at 7am.

We had tiles left over from the previous work so it was decided to use them up. There were 15 green tiles left over so a green trim was added to the off white tiles in the laundry. They aren't as white as they look in the photo. The CEO had built five really deep shelves in there 40 years ago which were filled with lots of 'stuff' which we really didn't need as it was a bit of a dumping ground so the whole laundry was gutted and the joiner had to design a couple of plans so that a bench and a broom cupboard would fit in as well as several cupboards to store my soapmaking supplies, cleaning products etc.

This is what the rooms looked like early in the renovations when the builders got cracking. This house was moved from a farm apparently and I don't think this section of the house was added on by builders.

This wall is the one on the left in the top photo.

There are a couple of corner cupboards designed to utilise the available space. 

I requested a bench so that I could make my soap on it as there wasn't one in the laundry before. We have always had a clothesline attached from wall to wall to hang up wet rags etc. so onet is going to be attached to the top cupboard which has been designed to take the weight not that we will be hanging anything heavy on it but it is handy to have somewhere to hang wet things. We had old double concrete tubs before which are so very sturdy but we only really used one of the tubs so they were removed and will probably be used in the garden.

I really dislike the laundry tubs that are sold in the hardware stores so went with a deep sink with a cupboard beneath where the plumber has put the washing machine taps and the power point for the machine. I like to turn appliances off at the wall when they are not in use so it is a bit of a bend to get into the back of the cupboard to do that and at the moment it is good exercise but it might be more difficult to do in the future. 

This was our 'open plan' toilet after the first day of work. We were promised that the toilet would only be removed for a couple of hours 'one day' but once the tilers turned up to take a look at the job to be done that was changed to a day and a half to allow everything to dry before being walked on. As you can imagine this was quite a challenge so there were a few trips to shopping centres to use their facilities during the day.

There were a few of the feature tiles left from the bathroom so they went into the toilet in the tiled section and above that it will be painted. 
The builder said we could have 'four days off'. LOL! The painters will arrive at 7am on Tuesday to discuss what colours to use for the painting and I have no idea so will probably just say to paint it white as I imagine there was some white paint left from the bathroom ceiling. I hate making decisions about all this type of thing as I have never had renovations done before. 
The other rooms haven't been painted for over 30 years so, if we can get to a place where 'stuff' is moved enough for the painters to get their ladders in etc. that will be done down the track before the floor coverings are done as they are well and truly past their use by date. I don't want to think about that though as moving everything out of rooms so that floor coverings can be laid is just too hard for my brain to cope with at the moment.  

We are a bit long in the tooth to be having renovations done but there was never the money to get it done before so we are very fortunate to actually be in the position to get the builders in as the CEO is a bit past it now ;-) 

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I love your laundry room. Cupboards are so useful.
    And those tiles in the bathroom are lovely. Iā€™m sure you will be so happy once everything is done. šŸ˜Š

    1. Nil, it will be a while before the painters can paint the rest of the house and the floor coverings can be done but I will definitely be pleased when it is all over.

  2. What a lovely fresh space you have. Love the bench space especially i'm very envious, l have a set of old concrete troughs that we used for watering animals. That now is home to mints etc that can be a but invasive
    Enjoy your new space, cheers Kate

    1. I don't think the troughs are all that cheap to buy these days and we still might sell them if we don't use them. They have served us well.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. The renos certainly brighten things up.

  4. I love the fact that you are using up the leftovers from the other rooms. You won't know yourself in that laundry! My DH built a bench for me when we moved from a top loader to a front loader, and it has been very well received. Mind you, we need now to paint the room, but I can't see that happening before spring.

    1. Earthmotherwithin, isn't it amazing how much is wasted in the building industry. I find it a bit confronting so wanted to use up as much of what was leftover as possible. I have been wondering how your stainless steel bench has been going as our new kitchen sink was scratched just in a couple of days of use. Obviously stainless steel isn't as good as it used to be.

  5. Chel you always said your laundry was not the best and you thought it had been an add on. Well now it is a beautiful space. I love the feature green tile as it just lifts the room and adds a pop of colour. I have my old concrete tubs on my veranda full of broms. The tubs work well at containing them. I like the idea of white paint. It keeps small rooms light and bright. Hope all goes well.

    1. Jane, I will have to ask the CEO how to get the fittings off the tubs so I can use them as a garden. I have seen them sell online for a few hundred dollars but might keep them if I can make the useable.

  6. What is the plant that is wearing sunglasses. It reminds of The Adams Family character that is hair from top to bottom. Had to giggle.

    1. Sorry Susan, I don't know what that plant is. I took that photo at the Carnival of Flowers a few years ago. It was quite a quirky garden from memory.

    2. It's commonly known as the "Cousin it" plant - indeed, of The Adams Family, fame. You can find it at Bunnings. I put one in the ground a few months ago, and I've had one before. They're pretty hardy. :)

    3. A great face-lift for the laundry, Chel. The builders made good use with the overhead cupboads, and plastered them in such an irregular space, like they've always meant to be there! You've got some good builders, there.

      I hope your toilet gets fixed soon. If it were me, I'd make up a compost toilet with a large bucket and sawdust. Then dig a hole in the ground, near a fruit tree, to dispose of it later.

    4. Chris the toilet is back in its rightful position :-) Thank goodness it didn't take longer for the glue to dry under the tiles.

  7. Chel, love the laundry, clean and fresh and practical - worth the disruption!
    Susan... you are right, they are called a Cousin It plant, part of the Casuarina family. Low maintenance and quite tough. Stick some eyes on them and kids (big and small) love them.

    1. I would love one of those plants. I must check them out at the nursery. Very quirky!

  8. How nice to have it all done. We had our laundry updated recently too ... goodbye cement tubs which are now used as planters, a new bench, wash bowl, floors tiled, new plumbing and electrics. We kept the old copper in the corner because it seemed like a historic touch worth keeping but I would not dare light it ... who knows what might be lurking in the chimney. I am sure you get the same satisfaction from "before" and "after" comparisons as I do.

    1. I remember the old copper we had at home. That brings back memories. LOL!

  9. We too have a newish laundry with actual bench space. Here as well we have to bend into the cupboard to turn the taps off. As you say, exercise! Enjoy.

    1. Brigie, I was looking around for the washing machine power cord as I am not used to it being hidden. LOL! Eventually I found it inside the cupboard. I don't like leaving appliances turned on so will turn it off while I can still bend that far :-)


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