Saturday 29 May 2021

The best laid plans of mice, men and soapmakers

 As I had frozen cubes of goat's milk left over from the last batch of soap I made I thought I had better motivate myself and use it up. I chose an old recipe which I think was originally from Rhonda's book 'Down to Earth' and I replaced most of the water in the recipe with goat's milk. I ran it through the Soap Calc calculator which gave me a different amount to use for the lye and also added fragrance oil to the recipe.The plan was to add micas to produce very light colours but, as you can tell from the photos, we had some drama!

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Heading into winter

 The weeks are rolling by and we are currently experiencing very cold weather which apparently is about 10 degrees colder than the average May temperatures and the chill factor is taking some time to get used to. Last week we had very scary storms and one night I thought our roof or a tree had been struck by lightning and I actually ducked as I expected the roof to cave in. Some parts of town had small hail and a lot of rain but we only had some light rain here and thankfully no hail at all. The storms have gone and have left us with very cold weather for a while. 

Monday 3 May 2021

A Walk in the Park

 When I was visiting our local Farmers' Market a week or so ago I crossed the road to Queens Park to see what the gardens were looking like. This park is one of Toowoomba's most popular as it is an easy walk from the CBD and attracts visitors year round. 


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