Thursday, 7 August 2014

Fermentation Workshop

On the 23rd August our Simple Living Toowoomba group will be presenting a Fermentation Workshop. This will be a hands-on workshop so numbers will be limited. Racheal will show us how to make fermented drinks and Lynda will have us cutting up cabbages etc. as she teaches us how to ferment vegetables.

If you live in the region and would like to join us just click here and book in for the morning. It should be a great workshop and I am interested to see what process Lynda follows when she ferments vegetables. I have made a few bottles of sauerkraut which have turned out well after the first initial failure I wrote about here. I also made a Sprouts and Vegetable Sauerkraut using a recipe in Isabell Shipard's How Can I Use Herbs In My Daily Life. This was quite different from Sauerkraut and had an interesting taste.

I picked one of our Savoy-Verona Purple Cabbages and made up a bottle of sauerkraut yesterday.


 I have had success with using Moccona bottles and I use the inner plastic lining of the lid of a larger Moccona bottle to push down the cabbage before putting the lid on.

When gas builds up these lids push up to release it and the next day I just push them down again. It seems to work for me but like most new projects it is a bit of trial and error.

So, if you would like to join a friendly group and have a go at fermenting vegetables and drinks, you can read more information on the Simple Living Toowoomba website . Margy has a list of items you need to bring, workshop times, etc. The cost will be $5.


Our usual swap and morning tea will start at 9.30am before the workshop which normally starts around 10am.

I am really looking forward to the morning and after this workshop there will only be another two before the Christmas break as there won't be one during the September school holidays.


  1. This is something I would like to know about. Looking forward to hearing what you learn Nanna Chel :)

    1. It should be a great workshop, Tania. I am really looking forward to it.

  2. Cant see myself eating sauerkraut but i would like to hear more about fermented drinks. Your Toowoomba group is awesome.

    1. Don't you like sauerkraut, Lynda? I quite like it and my son just loves it.

  3. Glad to see your cabbages thrived Nanna Chel. I love sauerkraut and must make some more too. I eat so much fermented foods now - good for the tummy! :)

    1. Tanya, the cabbages did so much better this year under cover. No cabbage moths anywhere. I loved your post on all the fermentation methods you learned from your workshop a while back.

  4. Have booked in and am looking forward to it.

    1. It should be a great workshop, Mandy. Looking forward to seeing you there.


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