Monday, 26 January 2015

A Treasure Trove of Inspiration

If you are interested in sewing in any shape or form, then do have a look at Val Laird's Designs on the very inspiring blog, Val Laird ~ Journey of a Stitcher. Val is extremely talented and has had her designs feature in several magazines including Patchwork and Stitching and Australian Homespun.

I first came across Val's blog when a Down to Earth Forum member linked to a great tutorial Sewing Machine Mat with Pockets by Tonya at The Crafty Mummy. As I had a look around Tonya's blog I realised that she lived in the same town as myself which was amazing. Then I clicked on a few links and eventually found Val's Journey of a Stitcher. What a treasure trove of inspiration for anyone who enjoys sewing whether it be quilting, embroidery or just sewing a coat hanger cover!

Val has a Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase her patterns including



There are also some free patterns that Val has kindly shared like this 

 ...and a Thread Catcher which I need to make ASAP.

The children haven't been forgotten and they have their own category as well. I think I will be making one of these for my little grandson when he is a bit older. 'My Tool Cupboard' has three dimensional tools which are removable for pretend play and the sets of drawers open to reveal their contents.


Another really cute pattern is 'My Wardrobe'  which is an interactive toy as well as a wall hanging. Lily, the doll, lives in a pocket on the back of the wardrobe and the outfits can be removed to play dress-ups with her and then be put away again for another day.

 Photos used with permission.

The verse on Block One is from Hebrews 13:5 'Be Content with Have You Have'. If you would like to join in and make one of these quilts do share a photo with Val when you have finished or just to show her your progress. It is always so refreshing to have those who read one's blog to connect and just say 'Hi' and especially so for those who put so much time and effort into writing up tutorials. You can also find Tutorials on her blog as well.

So when you have time to have a browse around, do check out Val's blog and Craftsy Store. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed!



  1. lovely , just had a look at her blog too, way beyond me, am attempting a small sewing project atm, will blog about it soon
    hope you had a great day

    1. Selina, I think I could manage the coat hanger cover but the quilting is beyond me. I guess I could learn how to quilt though.

    2. Oh i can definitely see you as a quilter - i just know you look like one. LOL

    3. My only claim to fame as a quilter are my rag quilts where you can't see the crooked seams :-)

  2. Oh these are some wonderful ideas. In fact, I am going to join in on the BOM Be Content wall quilt!!! I now need to go shop for some fabric!! Thank you!!!!! I know right where this will hang once it is complete!

    1. Joyful, Val will be pleased to hear that. It will end up being a lovely quilt.

  3. Chel, Perfection in stitching. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Barb, this would be right up your alley I would imagine!

  5. Oh how I wish I had the time to make the Keys to contentment BOM! The baking day quilt is lovely too. My husband would be happy to see me using a thread catcher. Thanks for the link Chel. I want to say thanks for a link you posted some time ago about teaching children hand sewing. I followed the link and found a great idea to use with my niece. The idea was to buy a bright patterned piece of fabric, which I did, and I showed my niece how to stitch around the designs in her choice of coloured embroidery cotton. She really enjoyed the project and when she showed my sister yesterday, Nikki said she would buy some more material so my niece could keep sewing. Then Nikki said it looked like so much fun and so easy she might do a piece of her own.

    1. Glad the links helped to give you some ideas about sewing with your niece, Sherri. You must be a great Aunty.

  6. Beautiful stitching Nanna Chel, I admire people that can do such lovely work. I don't think my eyes could cope with all that close work. I follow another gorgeous sewer named Jenny, I will add her blog link. She does very similar work to Val if you want to take a look. You may have heard about her already :)


    1. Thanks Tania, I will check the link out. Val must have better eyesight than I have these days. Her work is just lovely.

  7. Oh thanks for the link, that is a lovely blog and the BOM is still talking to me in my head! :) A thread catcher, what a cute idea, my husband would tell you that that is what I think the carpet outside my workroom is!!

  8. Kathy, I don't think the thread catcher would be too hard to make. I hope not anyway as I need one badly :-)

  9. I am going to get the "world so sweet placemat" pattern. I was looking for something like this for a friends birthday in April. Your link to Vals came at just the right time, thanks for sharing, Chel.

    1. Sandi, your friend will be thrilled I am sure. I thought you would love Val's blog!

  10. Be Content with What You Have. Yes, I should have that tatooed on my forehead I think! Lovely stitchings - off to view the blog. cheers Wendy

    1. Ha ha, I think we all should have it tattooed on our foreheads :-) I hope you enjoyed the blog, Wendy.

  11. Nanna Chel,
    I followed Val after seeing her Christmas projects on your side bar (at least I think it was). Definitely going to do the BOM, like I need any more projects but it does look my thing. So adding it to the to-do-list.

    1. Looking forward to seeing your blocks, Shiralee.

  12. Who wants the bloody pattern (although im sure some do), i want to buy the daisy bag set, now! Instant gratification, that's me!

    1. Patience, Lynda! It is a lovely set isn't it? Do you have some crafty friends who could make it for you?


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