Thursday, 24 December 2015

Have a Peace-Filled Christmas

I hope that all my readers have a peace-filled and relaxing Christmas and that 2016 brings you many blessings and much joy.

 As I write this I have the Carols by Candlelight on in the other room on TV and I am listening for my favourite performer to be announced, Sylvie Paladino. The CEO has taken himself off to the hospital to get his eye checked out as he feels there is something in it so hopefully all is well. I told him I would see him tomorrow morning :-) Emergency wards are normally packed with patients.

The grandchildren have gone for the day and will be back tomorrow for Christmas lunch and to spend their last day with us. It has been lovely having them here and I will miss them so much.

Have a wonderful Christmas Day everyone!


  1. We have just got back from 9 lessons and carols at the Newcastle cathedral - gorgeous Xmas eve tradition.
    The very best of life's blessings to you and yours Nanna Chel.

  2. That is a lovely Christmas tradition, Phil. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family tomorrow.

  3. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas from our house to yours

  4. Merry Christmas from the snowy north!! Wishing you and yours all the best of the season!!

  5. Late as usual, Merry Christmas from me too.

  6. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Chel. Hope we can catch up again sometime soon.


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