Monday, 7 December 2015

How to wrap a gift card for the menfolk.

I saw a really intriguing tutorial this week which gave me an idea about how to wrap up a gift card for a man. They are often hard to buy for at Christmas and appreciate a gift card as then they can please themselves about what to buy as we may not know what they actually need. The tutorial was Jackie's from Happy Hooligans who did a blog post on How to Wrap a Small Gift in a Pull-Tab Can. So I headed off to the kitchen to see if I could find some cans with pull tops or whatever they are called which I usually break anyway and have to end up using the can opener. ;-)

 Please go over to Happy Hooligans for the full tutorial but here is a shortened version which you might be interested in and also think it is such a great idea. By the way, Happy Hooligans looks like a site that is just up my alley and I must go back there when I have a chance and have a good look around.

So firstly find yourself a can with a pull top. Then take your can opener and start cutting around the bottom of the can but don't be like me and not read the instructions correctly as you need to leave 1/2 inch and not cut the whole bottom off. Oops! That caused me a few problems.


Empty your can and wash it out thoroughly. Yours will look like this plus the bottom will still be slightly attached. 

Scrunch up some tissue paper or whatever you want to use, put it in the can and add the gift card.

Then glue the bottom of the can back on with a glue gun and do a better job than I did as I haven't used mine for many years and forgot how fiddly they were. Don't be too fussy as the gift recipient will be too busy trying to work out what is in the can and hopefully will be pulling the tab instead of looking at the mess on the bottom of the can. Ha ha!

Then wrap up your present in whatever type of paper you have on hand. I used brown paper as that is what I have but I didn't do a terribly good job of wrapping it as I am in a bit of a hurry sewing for my granddaughters at the moment and just wanted to let you know about this way to wrap up a gift card as I know some of you will be giving them this Christmas. Isn't it fun! So head over to the 'proper' tutorial and get started. 

 This is what is keeping me bag down and one to go. Hopefully the bag will fit the girls' Bibles for taking to Children's I am making a skirt for each to match their bags.  This pattern is from Make It and Love It and the tutorial is called The Reversible Bag.

There is still time to say hello to this busy spider though who is waiting for his dinner to come along I guess. Aren't they fascinating but I don't get too close .....just in case. :-)

13 sleeps till my grandchildren arrive ~and their parents as well of course. 

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Nanna Chel,
    I like the can idea. I'm going to have to see if we have any I can use. Thanks for sharing. I hope the weather continues to stays nice for when your grand kids arrive.
    - Shiralee.

    1. It is an unusual way to wrap a gift isn't it Shiralee? That will keep the guys guessing.

  2. Clever idea for the men! They are so hard to impress at Christmas time. Coincidentally, I'm making these bags for my nieces for chrissy!

    1. The bags look lovely don't they Zena. I probably should have used interfacing as well but didn't.

  3. Clever can idea - I would never look at the bottom :-)

  4. I love the idea of a bible bag and a matching skirt. How sweet. What a treasure. I think the can is a super neat way to give a gift. Very fun and creative. I am terrified of spiders. TERRIFIED. Haha!

    1. Chrissy, I didn't want to get too close to the spider but I am not as terrified of them as I am of snakes. LOL!

  5. love the bag and skirt idea, and the can is just fun looking. At our house growing up an in-drawn hiss was my mother finding a spider and one of us had to kill it for her. she ca drive across country by herself but can't kill a spider! ;)

    1. Kathy, that is funny! It is amazing what some of us are scared of. :-)

  6. Hahaha! I love it Chel! And we have those little spiders absolutely everywhere this Summer. I have to go outside waving a wooden spoon in front of me to knock down the webs in the morning. Goodness knows what the neighbours think. I must look like I'm conducting my own personal orchestra! Love Mimi xxx

  7. That can idea is wonderful. Definitely something to remember how to do. Thanks.
    You can keep your spiders though. :)


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