Friday 1 April 2016

Just flumping around!

I learned a new word this week from Mimi on her blog A Tray of Bliss when I read about what it means to 'flump'. As she says 'It means to fall or sit down heavily. Similar words include plonk, fall, plop, drop and slump. You get the idea. It's when you just Can't. Be. Bothered'. 

Well, that word perfectly described how I felt this week!

I don't know about you but when there is a four day holiday my body clock seems to get out of whack. Thank goodness we don't have Daylight Saving as it would really be out of whack ;-) I have to remind myself what day of the week it is as Tuesday felt like Monday and so on. 

Added to that there have been fairly sleepless nights as we have unwelcome guests at the moment...mice...and I seem to stay awake listening for traps going off or making sure the little pests  aren't nibbling away at my eyebrows in the middle of the night. I even lost my blogging mojo as it was just too much trouble to think.

In the end I just grabbed my camera today in the hope that there was something flowering in the garden as there certainly hasn't been much activity going on there lately. 

The dahlias have looked really terrible this year for some reason so I was quite surprised to find these beauties which obviously appreciated the heavy rain we had on Easter Saturday.

We don't water them so they have to rely on rainfall which has been a bit hit and miss around here lately. Often it will rain over on the other side of town but not here and vice versa.

I do like this variegated one  but I think my favourite is the one in the top photo. 

This one was quite stunning as well.

Then there were a few other bits and pieces looking okay.

Some of these were surrounded by weeds and nettle which really really need to be attended to. 

Then I spied a bit of colour under a plant and found this plant which I thought had died. I will try and nurse it back to health when I remember what it actually is.  Does anyone who isn't in a 'flump' have any ideas what it is called?

So that is it for this blog post. Riveting wasn't it? LOL! My son is playing the bagpipes behind me so it is time to exit this room while my hearing is still intact.

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Ah - contented sigh - more of your beautiful flower pictures. These are really wonderful.

    1. Phil, I don't show the weeds growing around them. LOL!


  2. flump! that's a good one!
    i'm just getting over heat stroke so i guess i've been flumping here too!
    those dahlias are simply stunning! such gorgeous colourings!
    thanx for sharing

    1. Selina, it must be really hot up there. We are still having summer temps here which for us are 27C or 28C days. Tomorrow will be 29C and that is getting too hot for me. :-)

  3. Hello Nanachel, the plant is called "the parrot plant" or "Congo Cockatoo Impatien", hope this helps, I have one too, loves water. Hope you feel better soon. Guida

    1. Thanks Guida. That is probably why it didn't look too hadn't been watered. I am going to put it in another pot and look after it now.

  4. Love your new word! We have daylight savings time and it is very difficult to adjust. It used to be almost light when I was getting up. Now it is pitch black and I just can't get myself moving!
    Enjoyed your flower pictures very much! Everything is starting to green up around here. Spring has sprung! It's wonderful (I am not a winter person).
    Hope you are feeling less flumpy soon! :)

    1. No daylight saving time here thankfully, Monica. I hope you enjoy spring. It is autumn here but we are still having summer weather.

  5. I have done a lot of "flumping" this extended Summer, when I'll head out the door with my hat on all ready to get stuck into some garden chore, but then I'll not make it past the chair on the back deck! I just kinda "flump" into it and there I remain! You dahlia pictures are beautiful. I only have one dahlia (a red flower) which came up behind the compost heap. I didn't plant it there and it was a lovely surprise to find it happily flowering.

    1. Yes Meg, it just seems to keep going on and on this year and I wonder when autumn will start. My husband is quite keen on dahlias as you can tell.

  6. Fabulous photos Nanna Chel. Not so fabulous about the mice. Do you know where they are getting in? Thats the key I think. Steel wool is my plug of choice! (Good luck)
    Have a great new week, with love,

    1. Annabel, this is an old house and there are lots of places the little pesky thing can get in unfortunately. I think we would use a whole supermarket's stores of steel wool trying to plug up the holes. Ha ha!

  7. Yes flumping probably covers it here too. I'm considering a hiatus with blogging as I'm finding it hard to come up with topics at the moment. Nevermind this too shall pass!

    1. I feel a bit the same way, Barb. Things will improve though as you say. We will have to catch up soon.

  8. I think the continuing heat is making us all feeling flumpy in our part of the world Nana Chel. Yesterday was the first day under thirty degrees for what seems like forever. It was 29 degrees so still quite warm. We haven't rain here in Hervey Bay for a month or so. I am thankful everyday for our bore. Due to this water source I am able to keep my vege garden going. Mind you I have lost quite a few seedlings to the heat. I know it will cool down eventually, but in the meantime, I dread the horrid sweaty body I end up with just sweeping the floors!
    Good luck with your mouse hunting. I have a 13 year old Jack Russel who keeps these pesky creatures from becoming a problem. My current problem is huge cockroaches! So this has led to a majors sweaty cleaning frenzy. I have one cupboard left to clean out. One good thing is the house is emerging as a lovely place to be for humans and fur babies only!
    Here's to cool days arriving soon!

    1. We have cockroaches as well, Jane. All the wildlife you can think of here. LOL!

  9. I love when you show flower photos and ones of the exotic birds. You showed some birds a long time ago and I am a avid bird lover and I swoon when I see others photos.

    1. I will have to take some more bird photos just for you, Chrissy.

  10. Goodness, who knew my word would be so popular! I'm sending hugs to all who need help overcoming 'the flumps'. Your flowers are beautiful and you have my sympathies on the mice. We have possums and oh. my. goodness. Are they a problem! Mimi xxx

  11. We have possums as well, Mimi! I think 'the flumps' is very expressive. LOL!

  12. Im a frump that flumps. Oh Dear.... this could be depressing but still, i have all those lovely flowers to look at. Thanks Chel.


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