Sunday, 6 November 2016

A Busy Holiday Weekend

What a busy place Caloundra is at the weekend! I couldn't believe the crowds of people who come here just for a couple of days. I spoke to someone selling food at the market today and he said it was a quiet day. Well, if today was a quiet day I would hate to be here when it was busy.



It was hot this morning walking around in the sun at the market so I quickly browsed to see if there were any interesting locally made handicrafts there and came across a pendant which I had seen a couple of ladies wearing at home so took a look. I really like them so bought one and when I got home and had a close look at it (with my glasses on) I figured it would probably be easy to make. I couldn't find any tutorials online so checked out eBay to see if I could buy the wooden trunk of the tree as I had the beads. Well, what did I find...the pendants are on sale on eBay for cheaper than what I paid for mine which probably wasn't locally made at all :-( So I am a bit disappointed now. Anyway I did end up buying some mangoes and a pineapple which WERE locally grown so that was a win.




Yesterday was a great day as we had a Down to Earth forum get-together. There was a lot of chatting and swapping of plants, seeds, cards, dishcloths, patterns, fabric and so on. I even took along some of my dried Gertrude sourdough starter .



I have some white lavender and scented geraniums to plant when I get home. Sorry for the dodgy photos. I will have to resize them when I get home to my PC. It is much easier to blog on a PC than on an iPad as far as I am concerned.




The Pacific Dawn passed by Caloundra yesterday and was very impressive. It was worth the wait and goodness me, does that ship move! Going on a cruise is not something on my 'To Do' list as I have vivid memories of vomiting over the side of what we called 'The Tasman Tub' on the way to New Zealand back in the sixties when I was 18. I have been told ships have improved since then but I am not taking any chances. LOL!



Today we were passing a surf shop and outside was this really old car which I guess was originally from the US. You see some strange things around here :-)



Each day we walk along the Esplanade and watch the sunset. The perfect end to a busy couple of days.





  1. I love Caloundra, its one of my families favorite places to go, never as busy as the Gold Coast, thank God. Glad you had a great time. Guida

    1. It is getting busier here Guida. Such a shame as it was always so much quieter than the Gold Coast as you say.

  2. A cruise is not on my list of things to do either Chel. Each to their own, but I had a chuckle reading your reason why not. How wonderful it would be to meet up with some of the Down to Earth folks. :)

    1. Sally we have had a lovely time together and I have another D2E outing before we leave on Thursday :-) You would fit right in.

  3. I had a mental image of an aged Adam West hobbling toward that old car croaking 'to the batmobile' when I saw that photo Chel. Caloundra is a beautiful place but it is too busy nowadays for me. Though I still love visiting the Sunshine Coast hinterland when I get the chance.

    1. Yes that car was really something, Sherri and complete with rust. It is a little quieter here in Caloundra today unlike last week. The hinterland is lovely I must say.

  4. So good to hear you are enjoying your holiday, very disappointed not to get there, will fill you in when I get back from weekend in Sydney.
    Hope you have a good trip home.

    1. We will have to catch up when you are back, Margaret.


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