Friday, 20 July 2018

More crafty projects

Judging by the number of pageviews of my last post about the lovely craft items that some of the ladies who come to our Simple Living Toowoomba group have made, there was certainly a lot of interest. Valda has sent me some more photos of projects she has finished so I thought I would share them with you as well.

 Firstly there are these colourful fabric baskets which always come in handy and make fabulous presents.There are a lot of free patterns online including those on this Pinterest page for Fabric Baskets .

Check out this colourful lunch tote

 These are I Spy Bags which are made from scraps of fabric and filled with recycled plastic beads or rice. I remember making one of these for my granddaughters when they were little. You have to make sure they are securely sewn of course. Ashley from Make it and Love it has a tutorial on how to make one of these in a fish shape and, of course, there are heaps on tutorials on this Pinterest page

A crocheted bedspread and cushion cover. Just gorgeous. 

Nil from The Little House by the Lake was asking to see a close up photo of the resin water in my last post so Valda's sister Neralie has kindly sent me one.This is where she bought her resin water kit from  ~ Koch and Co and here is her Pinterest page for Artificial Flower Arrangements with Faux Water.

I just love seeing what craft projects they have been tackling. How about you? We have our Simple Living Toowoomba Cheesemaking Workshop tomorrow which is booked out and it should be a very interesting morning. Another cold change has blown in so tomorrow will be a tad nippy. I believe the heat in the US is very extreme at present so I hope the weather improves for you soon as heatwaves can be so dangerous and they sap one's energy terribly. We have a very cold house but I am enjoying actually being able to sleep at night unlike in the heat of summer. 

I have no idea why the font is small at times as I have tried to change it but it just keeps reverting for some reason. Must be a Blogger glitch. 

Have a great weekend everyone. 


  1. wow! i had to go back to previous post to see what the crafty projects were about lol
    very talented ladies there! beautiful ideas there too
    i've been sick for a week so no crafty business out of me for awhile. just simple plain knits for now.
    great post
    thanx for sharing

  2. Chel, thank you so much for the close up photo of the resin water. It looks very natural. I watched several YouTube videos about artificial flowers in resin water. I learned something new. I think I'm going to make a flower arrangement with resin water for my sister.

  3. Such beautiful crafty things! I love the colours in the bedspread, really pretty. Meg:)

  4. Lovely ideas as always Chel and I am rather interested in those I Spy bags. I haven't seen them before. What a clever idea. Thanks for sharing. Pauline.


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