Monday, 30 July 2018

The end of another month

It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of July. Only five months till Christmas. LOL! I am sure nobody needed to be reminded about that fact. We have had a number of really warm days and it was actually 25C a couple of days ago and almost too hot to be out in the garden.

It has been particularly dry once again so the very light rain overnight was welcome and it also brought the temperatures back to normal for this time of year. 

Meg mentioned today in her post First Succulent Pot that she is becoming interested in growing succulents and is looking for colanders and interesting pots to grow them in. That reminded me that I needed to check our succulents to see how they had survived the frosts we had a while back as I usually just leave them to their own devices.


Most of them seem to be doing okay so far and if Meg is reading this and wants some of these succulents she is welcome to them if a visit to Toowoomba is coming up. 

They are all a bit of a hotch potch with bulbs coming up amongst the succulents as well as there would be hundreds of bulbs in the garden that the CEO has planted over the years.

 I can never remember the name of these but they are particularly pretty at this time of the year with their apricot flowers.

 These just take over and probably need a good cleaning out one of these days as they tend to grow over the pathway.

 I have a number of colanders in various colours of blue, red, white and green and have been looking around for an unusual succulent to plant in the green one. Most of the plants at markets and in the nurseries are the same but I really like the look of these purple ones on Pinterest and would love to find some if they are available in Australia. Has anyone seen them where they live?

There was a lot of interest in my post about Efudix so I thought I would show you what my skin looks like now as I am in Week 5 of the treatment. The cream is put on for the first three weeks and after that the skin breaks out then becomes itchy as the skin seems to peel off as it heals. At this stage it is red but is healing quickly and by the end of Week 6 it should be back to normal if it is anything like when I did my face a few years back. As I turn 70 soon that arm is really looking its age. LOL! 

I hope this finds you well and happy. I am living in denial and am ignoring the fact that I need to go through all the kitchen and bathroom cupboards and sort out what isn't needed anymore as everything will have to be packed up before the tradies arrive to do the renos, presumably at the beginning of September. I am not sure I will survive the process so am considering going away for a while when I have had enough. I mean two weeks or more without a bathroom and kitchen isn't an adventure when you are 70!!!!



  1. Love all the plants you have growing.


  2. Two weeks without a bathroom or kitchen ... I'd be going away too! You have lots of succulents, Chel. I rummaged around under the house and found that colander plus a few old pots and a metal tub (I'll have to drill drainage holes in that!) I will have to op-shop a teapot:D Thank you for your offer of succulents, if I come up the range one day I'll let you know. Meg:)

    1. Meg it is amazing what you can grow succulents in. They don't need much TLC which suits me fine. LOL!

  3. I don't know those purple succulents Chel. Once the weather warms up here a bit more I will be potting and repotting some succulents. Potting them in colanders is a good idea.Perhaps the tip shop will have some used ones. I think it is impossible to survive without a bathroom and a kitchen LOL. Holiday needed.Pauline

  4. I agree, Pauline. It is quite impossible :-) I have been thinking about a trip to Melbourne as we can fly direct from here now without having to go to Brisbane.

  5. Your pots and random plantings of succulents look wonderful Chel. Some there that I haven't seen before. I love the bulbs coming up among them too. I've been away from the blog for awhile and missed reading all my favorites, but catching up now on your news and read about the Efudix. I'm off to do a bit more research about it now. I used Aldara cream quite a few years ago on a BCC on my cheek which had devastating effects on my immune system. Later I found out that many in USA were suing 3M for damages, of which they had paid out millions of $$$. My naturopath helped me get back on top of my health and build my immune system again. So I do hope Efudix is a much safer option because I have a few spots that I need to be rid of. Thanks for the info.

  6. Sally, you need a script for the Efudix and it costs about $70 unless you get it through the public hospital system. It was recommended by the skin cancer specialist I go to after she did a full skin check. I did my face a few years ago and waited until winter to do my arms and hands as I could wear long sleeves to cover up the redness.

  7. Chel, aren't they called Mother of Millions due to their propensity to multiply? They are pretty, but a declared pest where I live. So are Agapanthus and Agave though, so you have to wonder! They all look gorgeous. Succulents are such giving little things. Mimi xxx

  8. Mimi, I just looked that up and the plant does look similar but the stems are different. I told my hubby and he said that plant had been there for ten years or so and hadn't been invasive so hopefully it is okay. We do have agapanthus growing outside but it isn't invasive either. We are going to pull them out though and just have lawn outside as it will be easier to maintain.


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