Saturday, 8 September 2018

A Pretty Petals Workshop

This morning our Simple Living Toowoomba group was treated to an absolutely delightful Pretty Petals workshop which was presented by author Linda Brennan who very kindly travelled from Brisbane with her hubby early in the day. Apparently it was raining around Gatton on the way so that is wonderful for our veggie farmers down there. We even had some rain last night and a couple of light showers this afternoon which has been very much appreciated.

Linda is a horticulturalist among other things ....


...including being the author of A Delicious Bunch which was published last year.

She had prepared some crackers beforehand and this morning made the most yummy sunflower pesto. 

 We were each given crackers and pesto plus a selection of edible flowers to decorate the tops.

Who knew that some of the flowers she brought along were edible!

I knew that rose petals and nasturtiums were safe to eat....

 ...but didn't realise bougainvillea was. 

 Linda has classes at her home in Capalaba in the Redlands and the next one is coming up on the 23rd September if you happen to be down that way or want to do a day trip. Linda has a number of videos on YouTube including Garden Parties at Ecobotanica if you would like to have a quick look at her beautiful garden. She also has lots and lots of recipes for you to try out so do check out her website.

Here she is with Margy, our Simple Living Toowoomba co-ordinator and Racheal from Birdsong Market Garden. 
Unfortunately we had a number of cancellations for this workshop so those who couldn't make it missed out on a most informative and enjoyable morning. Linda is a splendid presenter and I can recommended her classes if anyone can make it to Brisbane to attend one of them. 

The topic for our October workshop will be zero waste and will be presented by The Source Bulk Foods on the 27th. Then on the 24th November we will have our last workshop of the year and Karla will be explaining how she weaves bike tubes to make something useful. Then we will finish off the morning with our end of the year break up routine and resume workshops in February 2019. 

Now I must take a walk around the garden and see what is flowering and perhaps I can surprise the menfolk with a floral salad :-) 


  1. Glad to hear that you got some rain, Chel.

    I also didn't know that bougainvillea was edible. When I was a kid our yard was full of different color bougainvillea. Ahh the missed opportunities!

    So, did you make a floral salad? 😊

    1. No Nil, there was another shower then. I think Linda said she infuses the bougainvillea flowers in water some recipes and uses the liquid. It is always wise to research these things of course.

  2. What interesting workshops you go to, Chel! It seems there's always one coming up to look forward to! I didn't know that bougainvillea flowers were edible either! Meg:)

    1. Yes we do have lots of interesting workshops, Meg. I just read that the stems of the bougainvillea aren't edible so obviously one needs to do some research first before eating certain flowers. The flowers and leaves seem to be okay though and I think Linda only had the flowers at the workshop yesterday. They are so very colourful.

  3. Your group seems to run some great workshops and get such a good mix of interesting speakers. Flowers really do brighten up a dish, the crackers look really tasty too.

  4. Laura, the recipe for the crackers is on Linda's website if you scroll down in the recipe section.

  5. Your post was inspiring as ever Chel and when I have some time, after the trip to Cairns I will follow up on some of the ideas. Also must write myself a note to look for her book at the library when I get back from Cairns.I need to grow a rose for the petals. If you ever hear of any of these people doing a road trip up my way could you let me know and I might try and organise a workshop. Thanks for sharing, Pauline

  6. Wow, that is different. Bougainvillea grows like a weed in these parts. Nice to know it's edible. So Gatton is who got all that rain, on Saturday! It skirted around us, and didn't arrive until Tuesday. Then, it was only a drop. Would love some more. :)


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