Saturday, 16 February 2019

Plant based cooking workshop

Once again our Simple Living Toowoomba group will be holding a really interesting workshop on the 9th March. We are very fortunate to have Asher, the former owner of the Little Seed restaurant, being available to present a workshop about gluten/dairy free and plant based meals.

 Unfortunately the restaurant closed down a little while ago just in case any people from out of town are reading this and want to go there. It was a very popular restaurant when it was open. To enable Asher to prepare well beforehand in the morning this workshop will be held from 1pm to 3pm and won't be our usual morning one.

 If you would like to attend and aren't on the Simple Living Toowoomba email list here is the information sent out by our co-ordinator, Margy, about the workshop:

Our next workshop is presented by Asher, passionate father, husband and chef.  He will be presenting an amazing workshop on gluten free, dairy free and plant based cooking.  Asher is the former owner of Little Seed Restaurant. 

*** Please note the afternoon time slot - 1-3pm

Plant Based Cooking

Date:    9 March
Time:    1-3pm
What:   Asher - My food ethos has always been about using the best quality produce sourced as local as possible and treated with respect. In 2016 it was this same ethos which eventually led to my wife and I changing our lifestyle and our restaurant to be completely plant-based vegan realising a plant-based lifestyle is both healing for the body, soul and the environment.
Ethics and social consciousness is what drew me down this path but then I also quickly realised plant-based eating was not only more healthy but opened up a whole new world of creativity, flavour and excitement for cooking for me. I want to empower people by showing just how simple, fun and beneficial cooking plant-based can be. 
I focus on as much as possible using local, organic and nutrient dense produce and cook without processed oils, gluten or refined/processed foods with kitchen practices that promote reducing food waste and composting.

Where: Range Christian Fellowship, 15 Blake St, Toowoomba.
Cost:    $10
RSVP:   6 March to
As usual please feel free to bring along any handmade goods or excess homegrown produce you would like to share with those attending the workshops.

This will be an extremely popular workshop so if you live in the region you are most welcome to come along but you will need to book in soon. 


It has been a sad couple of weeks for our state of Queensland. Townsville had day after day of rain 
resulting in major flooding in the city. The rain has gone now and the cleanup has started but most homes are full of mould and one person has died and others are ill with a soil-borne disease called melioidosis. Out in the west of the state what started off as jubilation as the rain started falling on drought parched cattle stations ended in tragedy as the rain just didn't stop and the area ended up looking like an ocean. To get an idea of how much rain fell in that area here is an amazing video
 Flood impact in north-west Queensland revealed in dramatic time-lapse vision. It is hard to believe that that much rain fell in just a few days. 

Meanwhile down in the south of the state the drought conditions continue and our farmers have no feed for their stock. It is the opposite of the graziers in the north-west who now have grass growing due to the rain but most of their cattle have perished. Some cattle stations have lost 100% of their cattle up there. While we had floods in our state Tasmania had bushfires which ended up being put out by....wait for it....snow! What on earth is happening with our weather? 

I hope that where you live the weather is behaving itself. I think most Aussies are looking forward to the end of this summer and those in the Northern Hemisphere are probably looking forward to the end of winter. 



  1. Hi Nanna Chel, this sounds like a fantastic workshop. I sure wish I lived closer.

    Plant based eating and living has changed my life in so many ways, and all for the better. This is something I will continue to live out for the rest of my days. It is made a lot easier now that hubby Phil is also living this way too :)

    Hope you get to go along and share what you learn :)


  2. Hi Tania. It should be a really good workshop. Asher's restaurant was very popular when he had it open. Hopefully I will be able to post about a few tips and recipes he gives us at the workshop. I know you will be interested.

  3. It sounds like another very interesting workshop Chel. Could you please share any new recipes you learn from Asher?

  4. Wish I could grow veges like that.

    1. I must have grown those veggies a couple of years ago when we had more rain. At the moment the veggie garden is looking very sad due to the dry summer. Week after week of no rain in the forecast :-(

  5. golly that sounds like an interesting workshop. My stepson was just saying that he saw an interesting documentary called what the health on Netlix, and since watching it is considering a vegan diet. I look forward to hearing about it.

    1. It should be very interesting. I will probably never become a vegan but I know that some people do feel better on a vegan diet.

  6. Dear Nanna Chel, I hope too that maybe some good gf recipes can be shared. I have had to adapt to gf mostly. I would be attending these workshops with you if I was closer! I am so sorry for farmers losing stock in the floods. It just seems so ironic somehow that cattle who had no feed due to rain then drowned. We have been very lucky to have had a mild week last week plus this week. It is so much easier to get stuff done in milder weather! I hope you enjoy your workshops! With love

    1. Annabel, I am sure that Asher will be sharing his gluten free recipes. He used to have quite a variety in his Little Seed restaurant. I think he closed it down as they were having another bub.


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