Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Reverse applique on denim skirt

In a recent  post you may have seen the denim skirt that Valda did reverse applique on. As I had a similar skirt from the Op Shop in my wardrobe I thought I would give it a try this week as I have been talking about doing it for months now.

 Firstly this is Valda's skirt below.

 This is how mine turned out! I think I made the holes too large and the inserted fabric looks like it is puckering at the moment but I took the photo when it was a tad wet as I had sprayed the skirt to remove the water erasable marking pencil. Believe me, getting that stitching even is easier said than done.

 I probably should have used brighter colours like Valda did but I had some scraps left over from a swap I was in years ago...

... and I had a few scraps left over.  I don't do handsewing a lot these days but I used to 'back in the day' ....

...and made this necklace which I discovered hidden away a while ago. Now that I have arthritis in my fingers I wouldn't even attempt to sew something so small. 

My friend Margaret let me know today that there is a half price closing down sale at Northside Emporium at 202 North Street, Toowoomba. Apparently there is a sewing machine there which is normally over $80 and is now half price and it is one that you hand wind so would be great for those who want a sewing machine they don't have to rely on electricity for to sew with it. It says on the Facebook page that the shop won't close for a few months but I think that sewing machine will be sold fairly quickly. So if are interested and are a local or would like to take a quick trip up the Range then do check it out. 

I hope that everyone is keeping well and happy. Here in SE Queensland the weather system that caused such destruction in Townsville and in the Outback has turned into Cyclone Oma and is now threatening the SE coast. The BOM isn't exactly sure if it will cross the coast at this stage but I sure hope she doesn't do the damage she did up north. We would like some rain but not the flooding type. 

Have a great week everyone. 


  1. I think your skirt is great and the colours just fine. Your embroidery is beautiful. I got arthritis in both of my hands four or five years ago .... it was horrible ... I even had to talk into my computer instead of typing. Then slowly over a year it went away, I hope if never comes back again but I guess it will. I should make the most of it while I can. I hope some nice rain comes your way.

    1. Thank you. I don't get much pain from the arthritis but my fingers aren't as flexible as they used to be and I seem to drop a lot of things. I guess you have to expect some issues after turning 70!

  2. I love your work Chel. Especially the little necklace pendant.
    I used to do hand embroidery as a teenager, but haven't done anything for years now.

    I hope you soon get enough rain.

  3. Nil, hand embroidery was very popular back in the eighties and I used to do a lot more then. I still have some of the wool for embroidery that I bought back then.

  4. Your skirt looks great Chel, I like the colours you've used. It's hard when our bodies don't work like they used too, and it sort of sneaks up on you lol I'm ready and waiting to see what Oma does, whereever it crosses the coast we're going to get a drenching. I have supplies in, my evacuation plan in place and a tub of necessities for myself and the animals ready to go. Let's hope it's not too bad.

  5. Nanette, it looks like Oma may not cross the coast now but cyclones are predictable so who knows what she will do. I bought a few extra supplies yesterday too. Hopefully no damage will be done.

  6. Based on the colour of the skirt you wore to that particular bag workshop, those colours for this skirt, should work well for you, Chel. I prefer my bright colours in small doses, or for kids stuff. It does work on some adults too. But I'm an earthy colour gal myself. Nice job on the skirt.


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