Saturday, 20 April 2019

Happy Easter

I have been very slack with keeping my blog up to date lately but I just want to wish all my readers a very Happy Easter.

There will be no pitter patter of little feet around here over Easter so it will be a very quiet time for us. Tomorrow after church we will have lunch with my sister at one of her favourite venues. 

I have noticed lately that I reminisce a lot now that I am getting older and was driving home from the supermarket on Thursday after seeing so many people filling up their trolleys before the long weekend started as the shops were shut on Friday and was wondering if some people panic buy when the shops are only closed for one day?  I remember when I was growing up there were no ATMs at that time and definitely no supermarkets open where I lived so you really had to be organised for the four days coming up. Easter was a very sacred time for all the people I knew.

I am not even sure if we had chocolate Easter eggs in those days but we did receive one egg which we would smash and take all day to eat. We certainly weren't given the number of eggs that children are given these days. Our Easter Sunday lunch would have been roast chicken which was a treat back then. How times have changed!

Anyway enough reminiscing. I wish you all Easter blessings and please drive carefully if you are on the highways during this period as there is a lot of traffic on the roads. 

Happy Easter!


  1. What a Beautiful Quote on the Easter Blessings card.

    My Husband and I were shopping on Friday night and there were a lot
    of very full trolleys almost like Christmas.

    Growing up we each had one chocolate egg which was medium sized and some little
    cream filled eggs.

    Nice Post Thank You
    Happy Easter 💐

    1. Hi Fiona. Yes sometimes I think people worry they will starve if the shops are shut for a day. LOL!

  2. I love your Easter illustrations. It is fun to look back I think. We got a candy egg from the Easter bunny. And a dear lady who run the grocery and lolly shop adopted our family. Every year she bought a huge tray of home made sweets for the family and sometimes a chocolate egg as well for us children. At our church all of the people from nearby towns gathered together (a different town each year). We had lots of church services ( I remember the preachers getting all dramatic during the Friday afternoon service) and because we were not home had picnic lunches. We loved Easter.

    1. The Deep Deep Generator is a very interesting program if you want to experiment with turning your photos into 'paintings'. Those first two photos were the results of putting the card through two different 'styles' in the program. It can be a bit of a time waster at first though.

  3. We had my husband's mum, and some of his siblings over, for Easter. She'll be turning 80 soon. She's changed so much in the past year. Still the same person underneath, but forgetting things more and struggling physically. We were happy she could come and enjoy a healthy lunch though, with apple-pie for desert!

    David said on Thursday (late night) shopping, when he decided to pick up some last minute supplies at Grand Central, it looked like people were shopping for a natural disaster, lol. The shelves were empty, and everyone was loading up their trolleys. My husband is normally casual about stuff, like that. So for him to mention it, I knew it must have looked rather drastic.

    I hope you enjoyed your quiet time, over Easter - a blessing, I'm just starting to enjoy today! Thanks for sharing, and Anzac day is just around the corner. Time to drag out, the winter woolies.

    1. Chris, I thought the same thing as David when I picked up a couple of things at the supermarket on Thursday. I always have a bit of a chuckle. It's just so ridiculous.

  4. I can't help reminiscing lately too Chel. I haven't been near any shops since the week before Easter, but I guess most folks don't have a vegetable garden or chooks and a cow in the back yard. It was a lovely quiet Easter break for us too, with the sound of saws buzzing and hammers banging... the new outdoor kitchen extension!!!

    1. I can cope quite well when it is quiet, Sally. I am getting set in my ways since retiring I'm afraid :-)

  5. Sounds like you had a nice quiet Easter, Chel......same here, just lunch with Therese's met her at the Flower was nice but they're a big noisy bunch so I came home early. My grandfather was the manager at Allens Sweets when I was little, so there was always lots of chocolate for us. I remember the fancy boxes with one large egg and little ones around it....I think I liked the satin ribbons and the pretty box more than the chocolate 😊


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