Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Kokedama and Plant Propagation Workshop ~ Simple Living Toowoomba

Once again our Simple Living Toowoomba group has an interesting workshop coming up on May 11th. We are having a break this month due to the school holidays so I am sure this upcoming workshop will be very popular.

 Have you heard of  'Kokedama'? I admit I didn't know a lot about this way of growing plants and I am looking forward to seeing Peta's demonstation.

 After this Rick Cameron from Birdsong Market Garden will be sharing with us about plant propagation.

Our group paid a visit to Rick and Racheal's market garden last year and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. 

I am sure that Rick will be able to answer any questions about plant propagation that are presented so do come along if you live in the region and I am sure you won't be disappointed. Here is the information our co-ordinator, Margy, sent out to those on our email list. If you would like to be on the list just email simplelivingtoowoomba@gmail.com and you will be notified of future workshops.

Kokedamas and Plant Propogation 

Date:    11 May
Time:    10-12noon
What:    Peta will be demonstrating how to make a Kokedama which is the Japanese art of growing plants in a moss-covered ball of soil wrapped with string

Rick (Rachael's amazing husband and market gardener) will also be giving us some tips and tricks about plant propagation which is the process of growing new plants from a variety of sources: seeds, cuttings, and other plant parts.  Rick has a wealth of knowledge in this area which he has kindly offered to share with us.

As usual please feel free to bring along any handmade goods or excess homegrown produce you would like to share with those attending the workshops.
Where: Range Christian Fellowship, 15 Blake St, Toowoomba.
Cost:    $5
RSVP:   8 May to simplelivingtoowoomba@gmail.com

Our June workshop will be about Visible Mending unless there is a change of plan so if you are interested in visible mending that is inspired by sashiko, a form of Japanese embroidery and boro, a traditional style of patchwork used in Japan for mending then come along and join us if you can. 
 I am sure that most people of my vintage wish they could mend those trendy jeans that young people wear that are torn. I can't imagine buying clothes that are torn. Fashion is a strange thing. 

Have a great week everyone!



  1. I nave never heard of kokedama. As for those jeans. Like you I think they need mending. The trend doesn't seem to be going away, in fact as I ride the train into the city I notice that they are getting more and more ripped so now they only have a quarter of their leg left. Or if wearing shorts are ripped right into the body of the pants.

    Last year I was gobsmacked to see my trendy sister-in-law who is of 'our generation' wearing ripped jeans. I won't be joining her.

    1. Ha ha, no I won't be wearing ripped jeans either. That would really go against the grain.

  2. Is it a hands-on workshop Chel, and do you get to do some visible mending, or is it more a demonstration? I'll be interested to see what you make in the kokedama workshop.

    1. I think Margy is planning a hands on workshop, Nanette. I have a pair of jeans I am going to embroider as they aren't ripped. The kokedama workshop is just a demo as it would be a bit too messy to do a hands on one at our venue.


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