Saturday, 11 May 2019

Making a Kokedama

Once again our Simple Living Toowoomba group was treated to a very interesting morning as we learned from Peta how to make a Kokedama then Rick from Birdsong Market Gardens spoke about plant propagation.

The Kokedamas aren't all that hard to make and would be lovely gifts. If you don't want to make your own and you live in our region then you could buy one from Peta at Plants and Pours. They are also available at several outlets here in Toowoomba so just email her if you want to find somewhere near you that sells them.

However, if you do want to have a go at making your own then this is the process. Firstly find a suitable plant and buy some heavy duty twine, hemp or jute. You can buy coloured twine if you like but Peta said it fades and breaks down quicker than the ordinary twine. 

Then take your plant out of the pot, add moist peat soil or potting soil ...


and press it to form a ball.

Then flatten down some sphagnum moss which has been soaked beforehand which makes it easier to mould around the plant. Start covering the potting mix ...

...until the bottom layer is covered.

Then start winding the twine around the ball leaving a tail of twine at the beginning on the bottom.

This is our fearless leader, Margy, having a go at the winding.

Once you are happy with the look you have achieved then use the tail you left at the start of the winding and tie a knot which is then cut to finish off.

It is easy to mould the bottom of the Kokedama so that it is flat and sits upright.

You can use a large variety of plants and can make small or large Kokedamas.

Also they can be hung if you prefer that look. Peta uses recycled timber for this.  Just add some extra twine to the ball to hang it by.

Depending on how often the plant you have chosen needs to be watered just sit the Kokedama in water plant side up and soak till fully saturated. Peter just adds a few inches of water to a dish but apparently some people completely cover the ball. Once saturated remove from the water and gently squeeze the moss and allow the excess water to drain. The twine breaks down after 12 months or so and then it can be removed and replaced with new twine.

If you would like to attend one of Peta's hands-on workshops then just contact her on to find out when they are available. I am sure you won't be disappointed and will thoroughly enjoy yourself. 

This workshop was followed by some tips from Rick from Birdsong Market Garden on how to successfully propagate seeds. Hmmm, I think I over water mine unfortunately. 

On the 8th June our co-ordinator, Margy, will be presenting a Visible Mending Workshop. The details are as below if you live in our area and would like to come along:

Visible Mending - Boro and Sashiko inspired 

Date:    8 June
Time:    10-12noon
What:   In this hands on workshop you will be learning a form of visible mending that is inspired by sashiko, a form of Japanese embroidery and boro, a traditional style of patchwork used in Japan for mending. Although it is used as a way to mend clothes it is also a great way to add a decorative element to any piece of clothing. 

Full Jeans.JPG        Full Leg.JPG   

   Star burst.JPG       Knee.JPG

You will need:
  • A pair of old jeans, denim shorts or skirt - any item of clothing that you would like to decorate or patch up will be fine.  Does not have to be denim. 
  • Scissors
  • Needles, crochet cotton and fabric scraps will be supplied although you are most welcome to bring your own as you might have some favourites that you would like to use.  
As usual please feel free to bring along any handmade goods or excess homegrown produce you would like to share with those attending the workshops.

Where: Range Christian Fellowship, 15 Blake St, Toowoomba.
Cost:    $5
RSVP:   5 June to .

I hope all the Mums reading this have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow and are made to feel appreciated by their children. Big hugs to you all!


  1. I had no idea what they were really, thank you for another great post my lovely, Happy Mum's Day to you too xxx

  2. I had this mentally ear-marked to attend, until the last week. On short notice, our plans changed to visit my mother early (Saturday) for Mother's day. Although the day did look like a lot fun, for everyone. And who doesn't like to spend the morning with plants? Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. I can't imagine doing this successfully, I would have dirt, moss and string everywhere!

  4. WOW now they look like fun to make, something I have always wanted to have a go at. Now I have time I will, thank you for the instructions.....


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