Thursday 2 May 2024

Winter is on the way

 There is a definite nip in the air to remind us that winter is just around the corner. I am sure many people who suffered through a really humid summer don't mind the cooler weather. April has  presented many challenges for our family and we have been the recipients of many flowers etc. including this beautiful arrangement of proteas. I have never grown proteas here to be honest but they seem to be very hardy.

The very least of my challenges last month was a pinched nerve in my back which was self inflicted unfortunately but it made me appreciative of the fact that normally I can walk without a limp. I feel for those who are restricted to a wheelchair etc. We take our independence so much for granted. 

My husband grows some very beautiful dahlias and I noticed this beauty growing along the driveway the other day. It is huge and looks much more colourful than it does in the photo. 

The hydrangeas are still producing the odd flower and it must be getting close to the time that I have to prune the plant. I will have to ask Mr/Mrs Google what is the best time to do that as I have forgotten this year so I hope I haven't left it too late. 

I would have thought that it was too early in the season but these jonquils are already flowering. I had a feeling they normally flowered closer to spring. 

This is Oxalis triangularis  or purple oxalis. It is quite expensive to buy but my husband brought it home from somewhere years ago and I just thought it was a weed but apparently it isn't but I still won't plant it in the garden just in case it spreads and becomes a pest. It looks pretty enough in a pot. 

Laurel Bank Park

If anyone reading this plans to come to the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers this year do note that it will be held from 13th September until 7th October unlike last year when it was held for the month of September. If you are intending to stay overnight I suggest you book accommodation very soon. It should be a great event once again and grows every year. 

I hope everyone is keeping well and happy wherever you live. 


  1. Even though it is getting cool I am banking on a bit more beautiful autumn weather before the frosts come towards the end of May. I have the first jonquils flowering in my garden too, I think this is normal. I planted my first hydrangeas in this garden recently, I hope they grow. I too would be worried about the oxalis but my sister in Canada treated it like some sort of special plant so maybe there are some well behaved varieties. As always, it is lovely to see what is happening at your place.

    1. I am sure many people are thankful for the cooler weather after a dreadful summer.

  2. Oh those possums are such a nuisance aren't they. Photo books are great because no one is going to look at your computer or phone down the track. Just one generation from my Mum to me and it's all digital. Have a great week. Kathy A, Brisbane


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