Monday, 4 November 2013

Australian wildlife books giveaway!

You may have read that I recently attended a school reunion when my class celebrated 50 years since most of us left school after completing Junior (the current Yr.10) . Only a handful of my classmates went on to do Senior (Yr.12) as jobs were plentiful and for most of us, there was no reason to stay at school unless we wanted to be a teacher. At the reunion it was interesting to learn what had happened to everyone in the years between 1963 and 2013. One of those classmates had become an author and now has three Australian wildlife books published.

 Coleen Heathwood is a retired teacher who resides outside Bundaberg in Queensland. Interstate readers may have seen the flooding in Bundaberg on the TV news earlier this year after ex-tropical cyclone Oswald wreaked havoc on the city.  She is an avid enthusiast of Australian wildlife and has spent many hours with her camera at the ready, patiently waiting and watching the subjects of her books in order to get just the 'right' photo.

The first of her books to be published was 'Bargara Spur-Winged Plover'.  Bargara is a coastal town just 13 kilometres each of Bundaberg. Apparently the plovers can become a tad aggressive if you walk too close to their nest so I was amazed that Coleen could get near enough to the nest to take close up photos of their eggs. 
Her second book 'Like a Lizard Lapping Dew' takes the reader through the lizard's day from early morning when it seeks out the fresh dew before hiding from predators which may have 'lizard for lunch' on their agenda.  
Her third and most recently published book is 'Australian Christmas Birds'.

 On the back cover of the book Coleen writes that 'imagination has been entwined with the traditional Christmas story'. Various Australian birds are featured on each page along with Christmas decorations Coleen has been given over the years.
The books are written in poetry form and on the last two pages of each of them are an activity section showing how each page connects with the curriculum as well a few ideas for conversations that could follow after reading the books.
I know that a lot of Aussies these days are keen to buy Australian products and particularly like to support small business and those who are 'having a go'. So I told Coleen that I would promote her books as it is the time of the year when many people are looking out for something a little different to give children for Christmas.
Her books are available from Boolarong Press and I noticed that Fishpond has her first two  books listed as well.
Coleen has kindly given me a copy of each of her first two books and I would like to give them away to my blog readers. So if you would like to go into the draw to win one of these books just leave a comment below and if you have a preference for either 'Bargara Spur-Winged Plover' or 'Like a Lizard Lapping Dew' just mention that in the comment.

I will draw two winners on the 1st December and then will send off a book to each of the winners in time for Christmas. You have until the 30th November to enter. Unfortunately this offer will only be available to Australian readers.
If you buy or win a book I am sure you will just love the photos in these picture books and some little (or big) person will be very happy!

Update: If you would like to go into the draw please say so in your comment as I have confused myself now and perhaps didn't make that clear enough in my post.

Update 17/11/13 :Coleen has advised me that she has written another book which has just been released and the name is Woongarra Willy Wagtails and will be available from Boolarong Press

Also a number of readers seem to have problems with the comment process so I have added a 'Contact me' form on my sidebar which you can find by scrolling down to the bottom of the page. You can email me if you are having problems with using the comment process to enter into the draw for the books.

Update 3/12/13: Sue and Jennywren won a book each and they are on their way to Tassie and WA at the moment. Congratulations!








  1. What a beautiful book, wonderful pictures.

    Such a lovely gesture, I wish all much luck.

    Thank you.

  2. Cheryl, if you live in Australia you are welcome to enter the draw for one of the books. No-one else has entered so far so you might win! :-)

  3. Beautiful books and photographs Nanna Chel. You two must have had a very interesting catch up at your school reunion. Lovely of you to promote through your blog.

  4. Oh Chel, please put my name in the hat too, I would send them to Canada for the young grandchildren there who love to hear about our wild-life. Congratulations to Colleen for her beautiful work too.
    Have a super week

  5. How exciting. If we win we don't mind which book we get as either would be a deight to add to our reading list for our 2 little boys. Thanks

  6. Gorgeous books. My children would adore them!

  7. Thanks for this opportunity Chel. Love your blog and pop in often. I would love to win either book to pass on to my little neice and nephew. (3 and 5) Well done to Coleen on publishing such treasures...

  8. Oh I just discovered you through the down to earth forum christmas ornament exchange. What a wonderful gorup of books. I have a grandchild due in New york next June - it will definitly be getting that Christmas book :) I have been attacked by plovers as I went too near their nests - that would be marvellous to win that book! I certainly wont be going too close to their nests again! Thanks for this giveaway and exposure to what looks to be a wonderful author.

  9. Welcome to all the new readers. This page has had heaps of visits but not many have entered the draw so I am not sure if some readers are unsure of how to make a comment so I hope that doesn't deter anyone from entering the draw. I did look into putting my email address on the blog but my eyes glazed over when I saw the code page that came up. :-)

  10. Please enter my name as although I have never commented before, I do "stalk"!
    Great blog.

  11. I will put your name in the hat too, MaryJo. Thanks for commenting as it is nice to know who reads my blog. I am always amazed that anyone would even want to. :-) It's all a bit of trial and error trying to work out the technology when setting up a blog.

  12. Plovers! Many a walk around the park has become a detour around Plover nests. Would love to read a story about them to my young nephew. :)

  13. Hi Helen. I don't think I have ever seen a Plover to be honest. I guess they are around our area but I haven't come across them. I will put your name in the draw. Thanks for entering.

  14. I am happy to, Emily. Don't forget to check back in early December to see who the winners are.

  15. I'd love to go into the draw to win one of these books! I too, am a bit of a stalker, but do love your blog, and I'm sure my kids would love some new reading material, especially Aussie stuff.

    1. I don't know....all you stalkers! :-) I used to be one too but since I started this blog in June I have realised how nice it is to read the comments as it gives an idea of who is reading it. Otherwise I just have to watch the 'pageviews' section and wonder who is out there. I now try to comment on other blogs if I read them too as I am sure all bloggers are the same and appreciate that.

      Cassandra, you name will be in the 'hat' at the end of the month too.

  16. This story about a Bargara Spur-Winged Plover is a POEM. Maybe this is the plover that frightened you when you walked too close to its nest! Look at the photos and make up you own story about a plover. Because this story is a POEM, read it slowly at first and listen to the flow of the words. Then you'll find you can read it with meaning. Thanks for sharing excellent information.

  17. Madeline, it sounds like you already have Coleen's book. I'm not sure if I have seen a plover around here.

  18. These books look beautiful. My daughter would love these, especially Bargara Spur-Winged Plover

    1. Welcome Carol. Your daughter would certainly love these books and I will put your name in the draw.

  19. Would love to win either of thee books for my great nieces in England

    1. Hi the giveaway is actually for the two books at the top of the blog and I will put your name in the 'hat' and one of the them might be winging its way to England for Christmas.

  20. I would love to win either of the books, they sound gorgeous and perfect to introduce the joys of the Australian Bush to my grand-children!

    1. Welcome Nicola. You are in the draw too. It is my granddaughters 5th birthday today and I have sent her and her little sister the book about the plovers. I am sure they will love it.

  21. Would love to win either book :)

  22. I would love to be in the draw. We live in a national park and I often do not know the names of the birds and lizards that we see on a daily basis and would love to teach my little ones.

    1. Zena, that must be amazing to live in a national park! I will put your name in the draw for the books too.

  23. My grandsons would be overjoyed to receive one of these wonderful books. Meanwhile I'll keep my fingers crossed!

    1. Keep them crossed, Jennywren. You never know....they just might be reading one of these great books soon.

  24. Hi Nanna Chel, I would love to be added into the draw. Would make a brilliant Christmas gift for my nieces. The extracts of the book you have posted are amazing, great work Colleen.

  25. You are now in 'the hat' too Alison. Coleen is a clever girl I must say.

  26. I'd love either of these books for my kids. They are just lovely!

    1. I am sure they would enjoy them, Kirby. You are in the draw too.

  27. gorgeous books,they would make perfect christmas pressies!

    1. Mikaela, they certainly would be lovely Christmas presents. I will announce the two winners tomorrow.

  28. Living in Bundaberg I would love to win Bargara Spur-Winged Plover as Bargara is a coastal town here.

    1. You are in the draw Kelster! Yes I have vague memories of visiting Bargara many years ago when some friends were living in Bundy.

  29. Hello Nanna. I would like to be entered into the draw. I love all kind of birds. My favorite are white-winged choughs and they are now with their yuong babies in my backyard. Lovely to watch.


Thanks so much for leaving your comments as I love to hear from my readers. As soon as I check them they will be published. If for some reason you have trouble leaving a comment feel free to email me directly by filling out the 'Contact Me' form on the sidebar at the right.

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