Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Autumn SE Queensland Garden Events

We are really spoiled for choice here in South-East Queensland as we have some really great and informative gardening events coming up this weekend and in a couple of weeks. So, if you are in the region and would like an interesting day out, then come along to one or both of these events and I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy yourself.

Firstly, starting this Friday the 2nd May,  Toowoomba Gardenfest will be held in the Toowoomba TAFE grounds and will run until Sunday. Some of the 7 horticultural presenters will be Jerry Coleby-Williams from Gardening Australia and Annette McFarlane who is well known in gardening circles and you can check out her website Successful Gardening for lots of tips on how to grow plants successfully. I will miss Jerry's presentation on Friday morning but hope to catch Annette's on Saturday.

There will also be cooking demonstrations given by a number of celebrity chefs among them Dan and Steph Mulheron from the TV show MKR which I have never watched but I do hear that it is very popular.

There are always numerous plant stalls at Gardenfest with interesting plants, some of which are more unusual than others. We bought our Brahmi there last year and it is still going strong. Just be warned though if you are planning on attending that a cold front is moving in at the weekend and the forecasted temperature on Sunday ranges from 6C to 15C so make sure you rug up.  It looks like the glorious Autumn weather we have been having is almost over.

Then for those who live closer to Brisbane, Ripe Near Me and Slow Food Brisbane are holding an event called People Powered Food at a venue in South Brisbane on Tuesday 13th May from 4.30pm. Just click on the here for more information about how to get there.  Costa Georgiadis will be there and will be launching Ripe Near Me's fundraising campaign. 


You may have read my post on Ripe Near Me a while back. Ripe Near Me has been started by Adelaide couple, Alastair and Helene Martin to make it easy to find, share, swap, buy and sell local and homegrown foods around the world by linking up local gardeners with each other.

So...if you  are a keen gardener and would like a great day out then check out one or both of these events. I am sure you will have a great time and will learn a lot.  Don't forget though if you are attending Gardenfest on the weekend to bring your coat :-)

riven by a desire to make a positive change, we aim to make it easy to find, share, swap, buy and sell local and homegrown foods. - See more at:


  1. Wow that Toowoomba event sounds great. I suspect I will have either a paint scraper or brush in hand, so it will have to be next year....

  2. It is good, Barb. Have you sold the house yet or are you doing up the new one?

  3. Enjoy the event, sounds wonderful.


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