Sunday, 11 May 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums who are visiting here today. I hope that it is a very happy day for you.

We lost our mum eight years ago at the age of 97 so we had lots of Mother's Days with her. If you will be with your Mum today then give her a big hug and make some happy memories that you can keep in your heart as long as you live.

I read this article this morning and just had to include it:

Erma Bombeck wrote: 'When God was creating mothers, on His sixth day of overtime the angel said, "You're fiddling around a lot on this one." God replied, "Have you seen the specs on this order? She's to have 18,000 replaceable moving parts, run on black coffee and leftovers, have a kiss that cures anything from broken legs to disappointed love affairs...and six pairs of hands!" "Six pairs of hands? No way!" the angel said. God said, "And the challenging bit is the three pairs of eyes mothers need. One pair that sees through doors, another in back of her head that sees what she shouldn't be able to see, another in front for looking at a child who's goofed and saying, 'I understand, and I love you', without speaking." The angel said, "Lord, take a break. Tomorrow..."

"I can't," God said. "I'm close to creating something so like Myself. Already she can heal herself when she's sick, feed a family on a pound of minced beef, and get a nine year-old to stand under a shower!" Touching her, the angel said, "She's too soft!" "But so tough!" God replied. "You can't imagine what this mother can endure."

"Can it think?" asked the angel. "Not only think, it reasons and compromises," God said. Running his finger across the mother's cheek, the angel said, "There's a leak!" "It's not a leak," God said. "It's a tear."

"What's it for?" asked the angel. "It's for joy, sadness, pain, disappointment, loneliness and pride." The angel declared, "Lord, You're a Genius!"'



  1. Great story. Hope you had a lovely day too. I got crazy cards from both furbabies.

    1. Yes it was a quiet day, Barb. We just had lunch at my sister's place and then enjoyed the lovely sunshine in the back yard as the weather was lovely.

  2. Love the story Nanna Chel. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day :)

  3. I always loved Erma Bombeck - what a great sense of humor! Thanks for the story and a happy Mothers Day to you as well!

    1. She was a funny lady wasn't she, Kathy? I always enjoyed her writings. Such a positive and funny person.

  4. Hope you enjoyed your day. What a story.


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