Tuesday, 13 May 2014

A Little Autumn Colour

We have had some beautiful dahlias growing in the garden this year which were quite dazzling and now that they have finished flowering the garden is looking a little dull. So I bought myself a couple of early Mother's Day presents last week to brighten things up and I was also very surprised to receive a couple of very colourful plants on the big day on Sunday.

As ALDI was selling chrysanthemums for a really good price last week I bought two really pretty ones to plant in pots on each side of the front pathway.

I thought this orange one was very unusual...

...and this one was just plain pretty!

As is the norm, I was asked by the menfolk what I wanted for Mother's Day as obviously I don't like surprises :-) In the ALDI catalogue they were advertising teapot planters so I picked one out and they  went off on their mission. However, the planters didn't come on sale until Saturday and by lunchtime all three ALDI stores had sold out! So the men returned looking rather worn out and told me the story which then left me wondering what they had bought me instead. Surely not chocolates as I am still recovering from eating too many hot cross buns!

So I was pleasantly surprised the next day to receive two beautiful plants for Mother's Day. 

One was a yellow Kalanchoe...

....with the most beautiful little flowers.

The other was a Celosia ....

....which is really stunning.

I had no idea how to look after a Kalanchoe or a Celosia and after doing a little research about them it looks like they are frost tender so I will have to nurse them through winter by the looks of it as we do get frosts here. Aren't they stunning though!

So it will be nice to have some colour around once again as basically the only plants that are flowering at present are the Jonquils...

...which are very delicate and pretty. Hundreds of bulbs have appeared so we will be in for a colourful display in the not too distant future. Meanwhile my new plants will keep me happy!

How is your garden looking at the moment? Is it a little dull or full of colour?


  1. I guess I have been a bit spoiled the last few months by the dahlia displays so now that they have finished flowering it just looks so very sad in the front garden.

  2. I'm spoiled for choice with roses at present. I was able to get three nice bunches, one for Mum's birthday about 2 weeks ago, a funeral last week and Mother's Day. They are just gorgeous at the moment.

    1. Roses are beautiful, Barb. Unfortunately the garden CEO doesn't like them :-(

  3. Lovely flowers! There is nothing nicer than a few flowers to catch the eye. The teapot planters must have been hugely popular ... wonder if they will get more in?

  4. Yes Shirley, I thought it odd that three stores would have sold out so quickly so will check during the week to see if more stock arrived.

  5. I love celosia and I love your photographs.

  6. Hi Nanna Chel,
    You do gotta be super early and sorta pushy/shovey in line at ALDI if you want those sales. Not something I'd be in for as I'm too shy about that, but mum rushes for things to get what she wants. The flowers do look lovely and I'm glad you had a great mum's day! In our front garden we've had some yellow & red roses going mad. The yellow ones have a gorgeous scent and are showy. I'm drying some for potpourri.



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