Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Curried Quinoa Burgers with Coriander Red Pepper Sauce

I had my first experience of cooking with quinoa recently and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to work with. I was given the recipe for Curried Quinoa Burgers with Coriander Red Pepper Sauce as part of our current Down to Earth Forums Kitchen Towel and Recipe Swap.

It is probably an American recipe as capsicums are called peppers in the US I believe so I just used a capsicum in the sauce when I was making this. If you would like to try it, here is the recipe:

Curried Quinoa Burgers with Coriander Red Pepper Sauce


1 cup quinoa, washed and drained
1 3/4 cups chicken or veg stock
1 onion finely diced
2 tsp coconut oil
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 tbsp curry powder
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp Herbamere
1 egg  lightly beaten
1/4 tsp chilli (optional)


Boil the quinoa in stock then simmer covered for 15-20 minutes until water is absorbed and quinoa is cooked.
Saute onion in oil, add garlic and curry and cook for 1 minute.
In large bowl combine quinoa, onion mix, yeast, Herbamere, egg and chilli. Combine well. 
Use 1/2 cup measure and scoop out the mix, turn onto paper lined tray, shape into burger size and bake for 20 minutes.

Red Pepper Sauce

1/3 cup tahini
3/4 roasted red pepper (capsicum) (bottled is fine)
1 tsp Herbamere
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup fresh coriander
1/4 tsp chilli (optional)


Combine in blender and puree until smooth. Heat in saucepan over low heat and serve on burgers.

My sauce was a tad gluggy as I used too much tahini but it was yummy just the same. I didn't add the chillies. 


My swap partner just received my swap parcel and was very happy with it as I was with hers. I had tried to sew a kitchen towel topper which looked easy peasy until I tried to make it and then couldn't get it to look neat enough to send as a gift. However, I had seen some beautifully made towels at a handmade shop in one of local shopping centres and I really wanted to have a close look at how they were made so it was a good excuse to buy one and take some photos for future reference. The pink was a lot prettier than it looks in the photo. I also enclosed a matching tea towel, a postcard and a recipe for Savoury Glazed Meatloaf which is from one of my old Women's Weekly Cookbooks but like everything else is now on the internet.

I received a lovely tea towel with Tasmanian recipes on it....


....lots of stamps....

....and Earl Grey tea....

....and a magazine page was used to make an envelope to hold the recipe. I love it!

I will experiment some more with quinoa as I know it is very good for you and is handy to have on hand in the pantry. Let me know if you try the recipe and tell me what you think. I am sure you will enjoy it if you do. 


  1. Hi Chel, I add quinoa to my rolled oats, tastes good and makes it lighter texture, will give these a go next week.

    1. I am sure you will enjoy the burgers, Margaret.

  2. Oh dear, I forgot to add Quinoa to the shopping list so I can try it out. This recipe sounds delicious and looks heart friendly :).

    1. It certainly turned out better than I expected and quite easy to handle too when shaping the burgers which surprised me.


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